Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced its consolidated financial results for the first quarter, ended June 30, 2024, of the current fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 (fiscal 2025).

  • Q1 FY25: Revenue ¥1,286.4 bn (+¥66.1 bn YoY), Operating Profit ¥58.6 bn (-¥2.3 bn YoY)
  • Revenue achieved a new record high due primarily to an increase in the infrastructure segment and the impact of the weaker yen.
  • Operating profit remained at the same level YoY due to the impact of a decrease in volume in the factory automation systems business and the impact of rising material and other procurement costs.
  • FY25 forecast: Revenue ¥5,390.0 bn (+¥90.0 bn compared to the previous forecast), Operating Profit ¥400.0 bn (unchanged from the previous announcement)
  • The revenue forecast has been revised upward partly due to a reconsideration of foreign exchange rates, while incorporating the impact of the delay in market recovery for factory automation systems.
  • The company will steadily implement initiatives to achieve earnings targets, including improvements in product prices to reflect the impact of rising procurement costs.

Semiconductor & Device Segment

Revenue (YoY), Billions of yenOperating profit (YoY),
Billions of yen
Operating profit margin (YoY), Billions of yen
  • The market saw robust demand for power modules used in railway & power transmission applications.
  • Orders decreased YoY due primarily to a decrease in power modules. Revenue increased YoY due mainly to the impact of the weaker yen as well as an increase in power modules used in automotive applications and other factors.
  • Operating profit increased YoY due mainly to increased revenue.

Original – Mitsubishi Electric