Infineon Technologies Tag Archive

  • Infineon Technologies Introduced Dual-Phase Power Modules for AI Data Centers

    Infineon Technologies Introduced Dual-Phase Power Modules for AI Data Centers

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    Artificial Intelligence is currently driving an exponential increase in global data generation, and consequently increasing the energy demands of the chips supporting this data growth. Infineon Technologies AG launched its TDM2254xD series dual-phase power modules that enable best-in-class power density, quality and total cost of ownership (TCO) for AI data centers.

    The TDM2254xD series products blend innovation in robust OptiMOS TM MOSFET technology with novel packaging and proprietary magnetic structure to deliver industry-leading electrical and thermal performance with robust mechanical design. This lets data centers operate at higher efficiency to meet the high power demands of AI GPU (Graphic Processor Unit) platforms while also significantly reducing TCO.

    Given that AI servers require 3 times more energy than traditional servers, and data centers already consume more than 2 percent of the global energy supply, it is essential to find innovative power solutions and architecture designs that further drive decarbonization. Paving the way for the green AI factory, Infineon’s TDM2254xD dual-phase power modules combine with XDP TM Controller technology to enable efficient voltage regulation for high-performance computing platforms with superior electrical, thermal and mechanical operation.

    Infineon introduced the TDM2254xD series at the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC). The modules’ unique design allows for efficient heat transfer from the power stage on to the heat sink through novel inductor design that is optimized to transfer current and heat, thereby allowing for a 2 percent higher efficiency than industry average modules at full load. Improving power efficiency at the core of a GPU yields significant energy savings at scale. This translates into megawatts saved for data centers computing generative AI and in turn leads to reduced CO 2 emissions and millions of dollars in operating cost savings over the system’s lifetime.

    “This unique Product-to-System solution combined with our cutting-edge manufacturing lets Infineon deliver solutions with differentiated performance and quality at scale, thereby significantly reducing total cost of ownership for our customers,” said Athar Zaidi, Senior Vice President, Power & Sensor Systems at Infineon Technologies. “We are excited to bring this solution to market; it will accelerate computing performance and will further drive our mission of digitalization and decarbonization.” 

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  • Infineon Technologies Launches Limited Share Buyback Program

    Infineon Technologies Launches Limited Share Buyback Program

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    On 15 September 2023, the Management Board of Infineon Technologies AG resolved, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to acquire up to 7,000,000 shares (ISIN DE0006231004) via the stock exchange at a total purchase price (excluding incidental costs) of up to €300 million.

    The buyback is carried out on behalf of Infineon by an independent credit institution via Xetra trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and is scheduled to start on 26 February 2024 and to be completed no later than 28 March 2024 (inclusive). The buyback serves the sole purpose of allocating shares to employees of the company or affiliated companies, members of the Management Board of the company as well as members of the manage­ment board and the board of directors of affiliated companies as part of the existing employee participation programs.

    The buyback is based on the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on 16 February 2023 and will be carried out in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 in conjunction with the provisions of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 supplementing Regulation (EU) 596/2014 with regard to regulatory technical standards for the conditions applicable to buyback programs and stabilization measures (“Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052”).

    Further details can be found in the announcement pursuant to Art. 5(1) lit. a) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 and Art. 2(1) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 which has also been published on the Infineon website at All transactions within the buyback program will be announced in accordance with the requirements of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052. Infineon will provide regular updates on the progress of the share buyback on its website at and will ensure that the information remains publicly available for at least five years from the date of announcement.

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  • Infineon Annual General Meeting Delivers Updates to the Supervisory Board

    Infineon Annual General Meeting Delivers Updates to the Supervisory Board

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    Infineon Technologies AG has finished its 24th Annual General Meeting. The entire event was held in a virtual format and broadcast publicly on the company web site. Shareholders had the opportunity to speak live during the event and ask questions.

    Dividend of €0.35 per share

    The Annual General Meeting followed the proposal of the Management Board and Supervisory Board on the distribution of profits and approved a dividend payment of €0.35 per share. The payout exceeds the dividend amount of the previous year by 3 Euro cents, or almost 10 percent.

    Ute Wolf and Prof. Dr. Hermann Eul elected to the Supervisory Board

    Ute Wolf was appointed to the Supervisory Board by court order from 22 April 2023 until the end of the 2024 Annual General Meeting. Her term of office as a shareholder representative on the Supervisory Board was extended by the Annual General Meeting. In addition, Dr. Manfred Puffer resigned from his position with effect from the end of the Annual General Meeting on 23 February 2024, meaning that his vacant position had to be filled. The Annual General Meeting elected Prof. Dr. Hermann Eul as a new member of the Supervisory Board. 

    Deloitte elected as new corporate auditor

    The shareholders elected Deloitte GmbH, Munich, as auditor for the 2024 financial year. The tender process had been carried out as part of the legally required rotation. 

    Detailed information on the 2024 Infineon Technologies AG Annual General Meeting, including the voting results for the individual agenda items, is available at, together with the recorded speeches of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer.

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  • Infineon Technologies to Sell Two Manufacturing Sites to ASE Technology Holding

    Infineon Technologies to Sell Two Manufacturing Sites to ASE Technology Holding

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    Infineon Technologies AG and ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd. announced that definitive agreements were signed under which Infineon will sell two backend manufacturing sites, one in Cavite, Philippines and one in Cheonan, South Korea, to two fully owned subsidiaries of ASE, a leading provider of independent semiconductor manufacturing services in assembly and test.

    The plants currently run under the entity names Infineon Technologies Manufacturing Ltd. – Philippine Branch (Cavite) and Infineon Technologies Power Semitech Co., Ltd. (Cheonan) and will be acquired by ASE Inc. and ASE Korea Inc. respectively. Post the transaction, ASE will assume operations with current employees, and further develop both sites to support multiple customers. As such, ASE and Infineon have also concluded long-term supply agreements under which Infineon will continue to receive previously established services as well as services for new products to support its customers and fulfill existing commitments. 

    Infineon’s manufacturing strategy, with a balanced operations footprint combining in-house and external manufacturing, is an important pillar of the company’s profitable growth path. By pooling manufacturing volumes in Cavite and Cheonan under a new owner and offering highest-quality manufacturing services to the overall industry, Infineon and ASE will be able to leverage mutual synergy potentials, thus generating attractive growth potentials for both companies.

    “We have excellent, highly competent teams and a great track record of highest quality standards at both sites, Cavite and Cheonan,” said Alexander Gorski, EVP and Head of Backend Operations at Infineon. “ASE has been a trusted, strategic partner of Infineon for many years and will be an excellent new owner that will continue on this successful path and strengthen both fabs even further. The sale of our sites to ASE is in line with Infineon’s manufacturing strategy, provides mutual synergies and enables further growth while strengthening supply chain resilience”.

    “Both the automotive and power management market segments are strategic focus areas for ASE,“ said Dr. Tien Wu, Chief Operating Officer of ASE. “This acquisition of Infineon’s facilities in Cavite and Cheonan marks ASE’s strong commitment to form a strategic long-term partnership with Infineon in developing backend manufacturing solutions matching future growth opportunities. Given Infineon’s market leadership in automotive and power semiconductors and ASE’s leading position in backend semiconductor manufacturing, this partnership creates a win-win solution for the entire ecosystem from product companies to the end consumer.”

    Infineon Technologies Power Semitech is a backend manufacturing site with around 300 employees. The fab is located in Cheonan, South Korea, about 60 miles south of Seoul. Infineon Technologies Cavite, is a backend manufacturing site with more than 900 employees. It is located in one of the fastest growing and most industrialized provinces in the Philippines.

    The transaction is expected to close towards the end of the second calendar quarter of 2024, when all pending closing conditions will have been fulfilled.

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  • Okmetic Received Infineon Technologies’ Best Wafer Supplier Award

    Okmetic Received Infineon Technologies’ Best Wafer Supplier Award

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    Okmetic announced that the company has received Infineon Technologies’ Best Wafer Supplier award 2023. In their statement, Infineon Technologies described Okmetic as extremely supportive, agile and flexible, listening to the company needs.

    Okmetic expresses gratitude to Infineon for this recognition and for the continued trust and partnership.

    Infineon Technologies is a global semiconductor leader in power systems and IoT enabling game-changing solutions for green and efficient energy, clean and safe mobility, as well as smart and secure IoT. Okmetic is extremely proud to support Infineon Technologies with its silicon and SOI wafer solutions.

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  • Infineon Technologies Successfully Placed a Corporate Bond with a Volume of €500 million with a Maturity of Three Years

    Infineon Technologies Successfully Placed a Corporate Bond with a Volume of €500 million with a Maturity of Three Years

    5 Min Read

    Infineon Technologies AG successfully placed a corporate bond with a volume of €500 million under its EMTN (European Medium Term Notes) program. The placement was multiple times over-subscribed. The bond has an annual coupon of 3.375% and a maturity of three years.

    “The transaction was a resounding success, following the recent upgrade of our credit rating to ’BBB+, outlook stable’ by S&P Global. We are pleased to see the great interest of domestic and international bond investors.“ said Alexander Foltin, Head of Finance, Treasury and Investor Relations of Infineon.

    The bond is issued in partial debentures in the nominal amount of €100,000 each and was placed exclusively with qualified institutional investors. The proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes as well as the refinancing of debt maturities. Infineon had placed corporate bonds the last time in February 2022, with a volume of €500 million under its EMTN program.

    Important notice

    The Base Prospectus dated February 7, 2024 and the supplement No. 1 to the base prospectus dated February 16, 2024 for the Issuer’s EUR 8,000,000,000 Debt Issuance Programme are available at Any supplements to the Base Prospectus and the Final Terms for the securities described herein will be available at upon their publication.

    The distribution of this announcement and the offering of the bonds of Infineon Technologies AG (Infineon) in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this announcement comes are required to inform themselves about, and to observe, any such restrictions. This announcement does not contain or constitute an offer of, or the solicitation of an offer to buy or subscribe for, securities to any person in the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Japan or in any jurisdiction to whom or in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful.

    Securities may not be offered or sold absent registration except pursuant to an exemption from, or a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended. There will be no public offer of securities in the United States of America or in any other jurisdiction.

    In member states of the European Economic Area (“EEA”), this announcement is only addressed to and directed at persons who are ‘qualified investors’ within the meaning of Article 2(e) of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 (as amended, the “Prospectus Regulation”) (“Qualified Investors”). In the United Kingdom, this announcement is only addressed to and directed at persons who are “qualified investors” within the meaning of Article 2(e) of the Prospectus Regulation, as it forms part of United Kingdom domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, and who are also (i) professional investors falling within Article 19(5) (investment professionals) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (as amended, the “Order”), (ii) persons falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) (high net worth companies, incorporated associations, etc.) of the Order, or (iii) to whom it may otherwise be lawfully communicated; any investment or investment activity this announcement relates to, is available only to, and will be effected only with, such persons in the United Kingdom; any other persons in the United Kingdom should not take any action on the basis of this announcement and should not act on or rely on it.

    To the extent this announcement contains predictions, expectations or statements, estimates, opinions and projections with respect to anticipated future performance of Infineon (“forward-looking statements”), they are based upon current views and assumptions of the Infineon management, which were made to its best knowledge. Forward-looking statements reflect various assumptions taken from Infineon’s current business plan or from public sources which have not been independently verified or assessed by Infineon and which may or may not prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the earnings position, profitability, performance or the results of Infineon or the success of the industries in which Infineon operates to differ materially from the earnings position, profitability, performance or the results expressly or implicitly assumed or described in these forward-looking statements. In consideration of these risks, uncertainties and other factors, persons receiving this document are advised not to rely on these forward-looking statements. Infineon does not assume any liability or guarantee for such forward-looking statements and will not adjust them to any future results and developments.

    Pursuant to EU product governance requirements, the bonds have been subject to a product approval process, under which each distributor has determined that such bonds are: (i) compatible with an end target market of investors who meet the criteria of professional clients and eligible counterparties, each as defined in MiFID II; and (ii) eligible for distribution through all distribution channels as are permitted by MiFID II to professional clients and eligible counterparties, respectively. Any distributor subsequently offering the bonds is responsible for undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the bonds and determining appropriate distribution channels.

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  • Infineon Technologies to Highlight Broad Range of Power Electronic Devices during APEC 2024

    Infineon Technologies to Highlight Broad Range of Power Electronic Devices during APEC 2024

    2 Min Read

    Infineon Technologies AG detailed its plans to highlight the industry’s broadest range of power electronic devices during the 2024 Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), 25–29 February. Infineon’s wide-bandgap solutions offer the highest efficiency and power density, providing a key element to addressing climate change and accelerating decarbonization efforts. The Infineon best-in-class portfolio includes power devices for leading applications on silicon, silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) materials.

    Infineon’s exhibits will span two booths, #1013 and #1319 (Infineon + GaN Systems), and feature demonstrations of a broad range of applications. Booth #1013 will be organized in six application zones, including:

    • USB-C/Charging. See Infineon’s latest AC/DC and DC/DC USB-C PD chargers, along with system power solutions for next-generation applications such as laptops and notebooks.
    • Motor controls. The company’s latest BLDC motor drive solutions for tomorrow’s power tools and robotic applications will be on display. Rad hard reaction wheel motor drives for satellites and space applications will also be demonstrated.
    • Data centers. Infineon demonstrations will include a complete artificial intelligence (AI) server solution, a digital power hot-swap solution, and a liquid-cooled high-density power supply optimized for next-generation applications. Also see Infineon’s latest high-density dual-phase power modules that reduce the total cost of ownership in generative AI data centers.
    • Electric vehicles (EVs). See Infineon’s latest 50 kW and 22 kW EV chargers, along with SiC- and GaN-based on-board charging solutions, and the company’s latest Hybrid PAK-based inverter for next-generation EVs.
    • Renewables & energy storage. Highlighting critical energy applications, this demonstration area will feature the company’s latest solar DC/DC maximizers, along with DC-to-AC inverters, a bi-directional PFC/inverter, and DC-to-DC converters.
    • Industrial control. The company’s growing portfolio of solid-state relays and circuit breakers used to replace electromechanical switches will be highlighted.

    Infineon’s second booth (#1319) will showcase the company’s expanded portfolio of GaN solutions, such as class D audio amplifiers, data center power supplies, and consumer reference designs. In addition to exhibits in booths #1013 and #1319, Infineon will play a significant role as a contributor to the conference program, participating in more than 30 industry and technical sessions.

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  • Worksport to Use Infineon’s GaN Power Semiconductors in Its Portable Power Stations

    Worksport to Use Infineon’s GaN Power Semiconductors in Its Portable Power Stations

    2 Min Read

    Infineon Technologies AG announced a collaboration with Worksport. Worksport Ltd. will use Infineon’s GaN power semiconductors GS-065-060-5-B-A in the converters for its portable power stations to increase efficiency and power density. Enabled by Infineon’s GaN transistors, the power converters will be lighter and smaller in size with reduced system costs. In addition, Infineon will support Worksport in the optimization of circuits and layout design to further reduce size and increase power density.

    “Infineon’s high-quality standard and solid supply chain provide us with the best components to ensure power-dense converters for our COR system product line and contribute to a first-class end product performance,” said Worksport CEO Steven Rossi.

    The company’s COR battery system can be integrated into a pickup truck or recharged by any solar panel or wall outlet. By replacing the former silicon switch in the power converter with Infineon’s GaN power semiconductors and operating the transistors at higher switching frequency, Worksport will be able to reduce the battery system weight by 33 percent and system costs by up to 25 percent.

    The working relationship with Infineon will also help Worksport to reduce CO2 in the manufacturing process. GaN is proving itself as a game-changing technology across many markets and applications. For example, in data centers, GaN solutions have a global energy savings potential of 21 TWh annually, 10 million tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) equivalent.

    “In order to further drive electrification and decarbonization, the industry’s power designs require innovation,” said Johannes Schoiswohl, Business Line Head GaN Systems of Infineon’s Power & Sensor Systems Division. “With our GaN power semiconductors we enable Worksport to create the next generation portable power stations that users require.”

    Infineon’s GS-065-060-5-B-A is an Automotive-grade 650 V enhancement mode GaN-on-Silicon power transistor. It offers very low junction-to-case thermal resistance for demanding high power applications such as on-board chargers, industrial motor drives and solar inverters. Furthermore, it features simple gate drive requirements (0 V to 6 V) and a transient tolerant gate drive (-20 / +10 V).

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  • Infineon Technologies Reports Results for the First Quarter of 2024 Fiscal Year 

    Infineon Technologies Reports Results for the First Quarter of 2024 Fiscal Year 

    2 Min Read

    Infineon Technologies AG reported results for the first quarter of the 2024 fiscal year (period ended 31 December 2023).

    “In the prevailing difficult macroeconomic climate, Infineon is proving robust,” says Jochen Hanebeck, CEO of Infineon. “In consumer, communication, computing and IoT applications, we are not anticipating a noticeable recovery in demand until the second half of the calendar year. Our expectations for the automotive sector remain virtually unchanged from November, despite a slowdown in demand in electromobility outside China. As a company, we are consistently adapting to this situation, so that we meet our financial targets for the current fiscal year. At the same time, we remain committed to our major investments for the future, as we want to exploit the long-term growth opportunities arising from decarbonization and digitalization.”

    For the full version of this news release (incl. financial data), please download the PDF version:

    • Q1 FY 2024: Revenue €3.702 billion, Segment Result €831 million, Segment Result Margin 22.4 percent.
    • Outlook for FY 2024: Based on an assumed exchange rate of US$1.10 to the euro, (previously US$1.05), Infineon now expects to generate revenue of around €16 billion plus or minus €500 million, with a Segment Result Margin in the low to mid-twenties percentage range at the mid-point of the guided revenue range. Adjusted gross margin should be in the low to mid-forties percentage range. Investments were now reduced to approximately €2.9 billion. Free Cash Flow adjusted for major investments in frontend buildings and the acquisition of GaN Systems should be around €1.8 billion and reported Free Cash Flow around €200 million. RoCE at about 11 percent expected.
    • Outlook for Q2 FY 2024: Based on an assumed exchange rate of US$1.10 to the euro, revenue of around €3.6 billion expected. On this basis, the Segment Result Margin is forecast to be at about 18 percent.

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  • VMAX Selected Infineon Technologies for the Next Generation OBC

    VMAX Selected Infineon Technologies for the Next Generation OBC

    2 Min Read

    VMAX, a leading Chinese manufacturer of power electronics and motor drives for new energy vehicles, has selected the new CoolSiC™ hybrid discrete with TRENCHSTOP™ 5 Fast-Switching IGBT and CoolSiC Schottky Diode from Infineon Technologies AG for its next generation 6.6 kW OBC/DCDC on-board chargers.

    Infineon’s components come in a D²PAK package and combine ultra-fast TRENCHSTOP 5 IGBTs with half-rated free-wheeling SiC Schottky barrier diodes to achieve a perfect cost-performance ratio for both hard and soft switching topologies. With their superior performance, optimized power density and leading quality, the power devices are ideally suited for VMAX’s on-board chargers.

    “We are proud to choose Infineon’s CoolSiC Hybrid device in our next-generation OBC, achieving higher reliability, stability, improved performance, and power density. This deepens our already strong partnership with Infineon and drives technological application innovation through close collaboration, working together to promote the thriving development of new energy vehicles,” said Jinzhu Xu, PL Director& Chief Engineer, R&D Department at VMAX.

    “We are excited to strengthen our partnership with VMAX with our highly efficient hybrid products,” said Robert Hermann, Vice President for Automotive High Voltage Chips and Discretes at Infineon. “Together, we will continue to drive e-mobility advancements, providing efficient solutions that meet the requirements of the industry in terms of performance, quality and system cost.”

    With its fast, hard switching TRENCHSTOP 5 650 V IGBT co-packed with zero reverse recovery CoolSiC Schottky diode, the hybrid discrete benefits from very low switching losses at switching speeds above 50 kHz. This makes the device an excellent option for high-power electric vehicle charging systems.

    In addition, the robust 5 th generation CoolSiC Schottky diode offers increased robustness against surge currents, maximizing reliability. Furthermore, the diffusion soldering of the SiC diode has improved the thermal resistance (R th) to the package for small chip sizes, resulting in increased power switching capability.

    With these features, it enables optimum system reliability and longevity, meeting the stringent requirements of the automotive industry. To further maximize compatibility with existing designs, the product also features a pin-to-pin compatible design based on the widely used D²PAK package.

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