SiC Tag Archive

  • Microchip Technology Introduced 3.3 kV XIFM Plug-and-Play mSiC™ Gate Driver with Augmented Switching™ Technology

    Microchip Technology Introduced 3.3 kV XIFM Plug-and-Play mSiC™ Gate Driver with Augmented Switching™ Technology

    2 Min Read

    The electrification of everything is driving the widespread adoption of Silicon Carbide (SiC) technology in medium-to-high-voltage applications like transportation, electric grids and heavy-duty vehicles. To help developers implement SiC solutions and fast-track the development process, Microchip Technology introduced the 3.3 kV XIFM plug-and-play mSiC™ gate driver with patented Augmented Switching™ technology, which is designed to work out-of-the-box with preconfigured module settings to significantly reduce design and evaluation time.

    To speed time to market, the complex development work of designing, testing and qualifying a gate driver circuit design is already completed with this plug-and-play solution. The XIFM digital gate driver is a compact solution that features digital control, an integrated power supply and a robust fiber-optic interface that improves noise immunity. This gate driver has preconfigured “turn-on/off” gate drive profiles that are tailored to optimize module performance.

    It incorporates 10.2 kV primary-to-secondary reinforced isolation with built-in monitoring and protection functions including temperature and DC link monitoring, Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO), Overvoltage Lockout (OVLO), short-circuit/overcurrent protection (DESAT) and Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC). This gate driver also complies with EN 50155, a key specification for railway applications.

    “As the silicon carbide market continues to grow and push the boundaries of higher voltage, Microchip makes it easier for power system developers to adopt wide-bandgap technology with turnkey solutions like our 3.3 kV plug-and-play mSiC gate driver,” said Clayton Pillion, vice president of Microchip’s silicon carbide business unit. “By having the gate drive circuitry preconfigured, this solution can reduce design cycle time by up to 50% compared to a traditional analog solution.”

    With over 20 years of experience in the development, design, manufacturing and support of SiC devices and power solutions, Microchip helps customers adopt SiC with ease, speed and confidence. Microchip’s mSiC™ products include SiC MOSFETS, diodes and gate drivers with standard, modified and custom options.

    Original – Microchip Technology

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  • Guideline for Reproducible SiC MOSFET Thermal Characterization Based on Source-Drain Voltage

    Guideline for Reproducible SiC MOSFET Thermal Characterization Based on Source-Drain Voltage

    18 Min Read


    This paper aims to provide a guideline with respect to a reproducible thermal transient measurement for SiC MOSFETs. Although the thermal transient measurement based on sourcedrain voltage is a widely applied method for characterizing the thermal properties of MOSFETs, the approach developed for silicon-based devices may not be directly applicable to SiC devices. Therefore, this paper investigates the thermal transient measurement method for SiC MOSFETs using the source-drain voltage as the temperature-sensitive electrical parameter.

    A comprehensive investigation of its linearity, sensitivity, and stability toward yielding the thermal structure-property of the device has been carried out. The investigation includes two primary characterization procedures: temperature calibration and cooling curve measurement. The associated key testing conditions, such as gate voltages, sensing and heating currents, etc., are covered. The study examines the impact of these conditions on both static and dynamic performance to provide a better understanding of the reproducible thermal transient measurement for SiC MOSFETs.

    I. Introduction

    Silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs are becoming increasingly popular in a wide range of applications, such as electric vehicles, industrial drives, and high-voltage transmissions. SiC offers several advantages over silicon, including lower power losses at higher switching frequencies, higher operating temperatures, and withstanding higher voltages. However, to ensure safe operation and maximize the device’s lifetime, all these superior performances must be achieved within the maximum junction temperature limit. Therefore, thermal characterization of SiC MOSFETs is essential to define the boundaries.

    Thermal transient measurement is a widely accepted method to characterize the thermal properties of silicon (Si) power semiconductor devices. It has been recognized in several standards, such as JEDEC JESD 51-1 and JEDEC 51-14 and successfully applied to different applications over the past two decades, such as generating RC thermal models for electro-thermal simulation, packaging defect inspection, and junction-to-case thermal resistance measurement.

    However, directly applying this approach to SiC MOSFETs is still doubtful to some extent. For instance, SiC MOSFETs do not have a pn junction in the forward direction and have low on-state resistance, which imposes challenges to measure transient thermal response by the channel voltage. Meanwhile, trapped charge carriers in the gate region may cause second-level electrical disturbances and inevitably affect the extraction of thermal transient from the coupled electrical disturbance. In the state-of-the-art, the source-drain voltage is one of the most used temperature sensitivity electrical parameters (TSEP) for SiC MOSFETs.

    As shown in Fig. 1, the characterization consists of two major procedures, namely temperature calibration and cooling curve measurement. Improper selection of test conditions may result in misleading results. First, calibrating SiC MOSFETs for thermal transient measurement involves selecting the appropriate sensing current and gate voltage as step 1 shown in Fig. 1. While a sensing current of 1/1000 of the nominal current is commonly used for Si devices, it is however still under debate for SiC MOSFETs. Some studies use a small current below 1/1000 of the nominal current, while others suggest a much higher sensing current.

    Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of the thermal transient measurement for SiC MOSFETs

    Additionally, selecting the appropriate negative gate voltage is critical for fully turning off the MOSFET channel and allowing all injected sensing current to flow through the body diode. However, the methodology for selecting the optimal gate voltage value and its impact on the transient thermal impedance remains unclear. It is worth noting that previous studies have mainly focused on steady-state calibration results, but transient temperature measurement requires consideration of transient behaviors, which has not been fully addressed in the literature. In addition to the calibration procedure, the cooling curve measurement of SiC MOSFETs involves other parameters such as heating currents and the switching transient of the gate state.

    Previous studies have mainly focused on power cycling, where only the maximum and minimum temperature points are required. However, the investigation of thermal transient measurement with respect to the temperature dynamics across multiple time scales is limited. Electrical disturbances that occur at any point in time may lead to inaccurate thermal structure properties. Therefore, further investigation of the cooling curve measurement is also crucial. This paper comprehensively investigates the thermal transient measurement approach of SiC MOSFETs using Vsd as the TSEP and focuses on how to obtain more reproducible thermal structural information. Comparing to a preliminary conference version, the contributions of this article are three folds:

    • Evaluated the impact of key testing conditions, including the gate turn-off voltage and sensing current, on the calibration based on static and dynamic tests. Three criteria are proposed to quantify the sensing current and two methods are proposed to justify the gate voltage.
    • Investigated how various parameters affect cooling curve measurement in terms of static and dynamic responses.
    • Derived a guideline of how to perform a reproducible thermal transient measurement of SiC MOSFETs with a proper selection of testing conditions and parameters.

    II. Thermal Transient Measurement

    Fig.1 illustrates the two major steps to perform the thermal transient measurement for a SiC MOSFET, namely, the temperature calibration and cooling curve measurement. The calibration is to obtain the relationship between the TSEP and the device temperature, which is controlled by an external system (e.g., an oven, a dielectric bath, or a temperature-controlled cooling plate). The MOSFET body diode pn junction voltage Vsd shows a linear temperature dependence given a small sensing current going through the device. By measuring Vsd under various temperatures, the relation of Vsd = f(T) can be calibrated.

    Note that a low enough negative gate voltage has to be applied to completely shut the MOSFET channel off during this process (see Fig.2). In the second step, cooling curve measurement is carried out based on two current levels: one is the heating current (Iheat) to heat the device up, and the other is the sensing current for temperature monitoring with a negligible self-heating impact, as shown in Fig. 1 (Step 2).

    Fig. 2. Structure of a SiC MOSFET

    Once Vsd is measured, the inversely calibrated T = f−1 (Vsd) in step 1 converts the measured voltage into the temperature. However, the temperature calibration is developed based on static conditions but the cooling curve is derived from dynamic voltage responses. The compatibility of the two steps has a prerequisite that the electrical disturbance is short and negligible. However, reference pointed out that SiC MOSFETs have much longer electrical disturbance compared to Si devices. Its impacts on thermal transient measurement are not fully understood and will be investigated in the following two sections.

    III. Calibration: Impact of Sensing Current

    To obtain reliable thermal transient measurement for SiC MOSFETs, the sensing current needs to be carefully selected to achieve good linearity, sensitivity, and low power dissipation. Additionally, to minimize unwanted electrical disturbances, a short sensing current pulse is preferable. In this section, three criteria are proposed to quantify the impacts of sensing current.

    A. Impact of Sensing Current Density on Static Performance

    1) Linearity: pn-junction voltage Vpn is used as TSEP due to its linear temperature dependence, which is given by

    E 1

    where Eg is band gap, q is the elementary charge, kb is Boltzmann constant, and A is a device-specific factor. These parameters are either independent of or have weak dependence on temperature. When a constant sensing current density jsense is applied, Vpn varies linearly with temperature T. However, for SiC MOSFETs, the voltage drops across the drift region, contact, and metallization can contribute significantly to Vsd when a high sensing current is used.

    Fig. 3. Calibration curves for multiple sensing currents

    Moreover, at high temperatures and low current densities, the negative temperature coefficient of body diode results in a smaller Vpn. All above phenomenon can jeopardize the linear temperature dependence of Vsd and needs to be properly dealt. Fig. 3(a) shows the calibration results for different sensing currents ranging from 5 mA to 1000 mA. The proper selection of sensing current can be justified by the linearity between Vsd and temperature, which is further assessed by Pearson correlation coefficient ρlinear with 1 indicating perfect linearity

    E 2

    where cov denotes the covariance, and σ is the standard deviation. The left part of Table I lists that a sensing current of Isense = 100 mA gives the best linearity, whereas smaller and larger sensing currents result in a slightly worse performance.

    2) Sensitivity: A viable TSEP sampling hardware requires a sensitivity SVT above 1 mV/K, which is defined as

    E 3

    Given a constant sensing current density, the temperature derivative of (1) yields

    E 4

    It indicates that when Vpn dominates the device’s voltage drop, the sensitivity decreases with the sensing current due to its negative logarithmic dependency in (4) and is also validated in the left part of Table I. All scenarios listed in the table meet the 1 mV/K requirement. Note that a higher or a lower SVT can also be selected according to the specific acquisition system.


    3) Self Dissipation: To ensure accurate junction temperature measurement in the cooling phase, the self heating effect of the sensing current shall be negligible. A self-dissipation ratio is defined as

    E 5

    where Psense is the power dissipated by the sensing current which is generated by the measured TSEP voltage Vsd@Isense under Isense. Prate is the rated power dissipation of the tested device provided in datasheet. Generally, Prate can cause more than 100 C junction temperature increase. ηsd ≤ 1% implies that the temperature increase by the sensing current is less than 1 C (regarded as negligible here). Table I shows, except the cases of 500 mA and 1000 mA, all other scenarios meet the requirement of ηsd ≤ 1%.

    B. Impact of Sensing Current Density on Dynamic Performance

    During the period from 1 to 2 in Fig. 1, electrical and thermal transients occur simultaneously. This coupling poses challenge to extract the correct cooling curve of power devices. To address this issue, the standard JESD 51-1 introduces a delay time (tMD) to remove unwanted electrical transients plus a linear extrapolation to estimate the temperature at t = 0 s.

    However, SiC MOSFETs are likely to suffer from long tMD, e.g., more than 600 µs under Isense = 5 mA in Fig. 3(b). It is much longer than the time scale of the chip’s thermal transient and hinders getting an accurate thermal structure property. However, by increasing Isense to 100 mA, tMD reduces to an acceptable 42 µs. Further increasing the sensing current has a limited effect on reducing tMD but rapidly increases the self-dissipation ratio.

    Taking both static and dynamic performances into account, a sensing current of 100 mA achieves better overall performance for this study case.

    IV. Calibration: Impact of Gate Voltage

    A. Gate Turn-Off Voltage Selection

    TCAD simulation in Fig. 4 shows that the electronic density changes dramatically in the channel region when the gate voltage varies from 0 V to -4 V but remains steady for a gate voltage less than -6 V to fully turn the channel off. This behavior is fundamentally different from Si devices, where a gate voltage of 0 V is sufficient as shown in Fig. 5(a).

    Fig. 5. Static and dynamic impacts of the gate voltages on SiC MOSFET

    Although existing studies have experimentally shown that Vgsoff = −6 V is enough to turn off the channel of SiC MOSFETs, it may not be applicable to all SiC MOSFETs due to different die designs and manufacturing processes. Different devices will be discussed in Section VI-C and the following part will focus on two methods for gate turn-off voltage selection.

    1) Method 1 – Output Characteristic under Sensing Current: Output characteristic curves of body diode under the sensing current range can shift significantly from each other in case of insufficient gate voltages, such as Vgs = −3 V in Fig. 5(b) but start to overlap as the gate voltage approaches -6 V. To quantify this effects, an electrical conductance gdiode at the sensing current is defined as

    E 6-7

    When the entire current flows through the internal body diode, the conductance is independent of gate voltage and becomes a constant. The minimum Vgs ensuring a completely-off channel can then be identified by (7), for example, Vgs = −4.5 V for this case study as shown in Fig. 5(c).

    2) Method 2 – Calibration Curves with Varied Gate Voltages: The calibration curves show the relationship between the sensing current and TSEP, and shall overlap with each other under various gate voltage provided a fully turned-off MOSFET channel. At the meantime, TSEP is linearly dependent on temperature. Therefore, similar to method 1, the criteria defined in (8) can be introduced to identify the minimum reasonable gate tun off voltage, which is a slightly different Vgs < −5 V than Vgs < −4.5 V as shown in Fig. 5(d).

    E 8
    B. Static and Dynamic Impacts of Gate Voltages

    The calibration results under various gate voltage are also evaluated with respect to the linearity, sensitivity, and self-dissipation ratio. The measured results and its analytical summary are show in Fig. 5(d) and the right-hand side of Table I. When the gate voltage changes from 0 V to -3 V, the linearity deteriorates significantly compared to the other gate voltages. This poor linearity indicates that the measured Vsd is not primarily determined by the pn junction.

    Moreover, by adjusting the gate turn-off voltage from 0 V to -8 V, the sensitivity and the self-dissipation ratio changes minorly. Regarding the dynamic behavior, the time delays under varied turn-on and turn-off gate voltages are investigated in Figs. 5(f) and (g), respectively. The effect of the gate voltage on the measurement delay time is almost negligible. Within the device’s maximum allowable gate voltage range, a lower gate turn-off voltage can improve the static behavior without significantly affecting the dynamic performance of the thermal transient measurement.

    V. Cooling Curve Measurement

    Once the calibration is completed, the established relationship between Vsd and temperature can be utilized for cooling curve measurements, where the selection and impacts of heating current, gate turn-on voltage etc. will be evaluated.

    A. Impact of Sensing Current

    Fig. 6(a) shows the cooling curves of a SiC MOSFET under same test conditions except the sensing current. Ideally, the two measurements shall overlap completely. However, the case with Isense = 5 mA takes 663 µs to reach the state 2 , comparing to only 42 µs under Isense = 100 mA. This is due to the fact that the body diode requires sufficient minority carrier charge accumulation to turn on, and it takes longer for a smaller sensing current.

    Fig. 6. Cooling curve measurement under varied conditions

    The above measurements validate the dynamic study in Section III-B. Furthermore, the frequency analysis in Fig. 6(b) shows measurements with Isense = 5 mA exhibit large high-frequency noises, while it decays rapidly when Isense = 100 mA. At a certain bandwidth ∆f of the measurement, the noise can be modeled as a Johnson-Nyquist form, that is,

    E 9

    where Rpn is the resistance of the body diode at Isense, i.e., Rpn ≈ kbT /qIsense. It indicates that the noise in the measured voltage diminishes with the square root of the sensing current. Thus, a higher sensing current is advantageous for both shorter electric transients and lower noise.

    B. Impact of Gate Turn-Off Voltage

    Fig. 6 c) illustrates a series of cooling curves measured under various gate voltages. (Note that each cooling measurement shares the same gate voltage with its used calibration curve, which can be found in Table I). Abnormal temperature rises at approximately 2×10−4 s can be observed with severely insufficient gate voltages (e.g., 0 V and -1 V) but disappears with gate voltages less than -3 V.

    This phenomenon is inconsistent with physical principles as the cooling stage does not involve any heat injection and therefore junction temperature rise shall not appear. Similar behavior is also observed with a conclusion of imperfect SiC MOSFET structure. Another reason for this inconsistency can be the insufficient gate turn-off voltage based on above findings. Moreover, temperature measurements go below the ambient temperature of 25 C for voltages less than -3 V but turn normal by further lowering voltage to -6 V and beyond.

    Similar effects can be observed in Fig. 6(d) where the thermal impedance curves, reflecting the thermal structure of a semiconductor package, remains unchanged until the sufficient enough gate voltage is applied. These inconsistencies underscore the significance of the gate turn-off voltage.

    C. Impact of Gate Turn-On Voltage and Heating Current

    Gate turn-on voltage decides the channel voltage drop in the heating stage. Together with the heating current, a higher power dissipation results in a higher junction temperature. A maximum temperature difference of up to 20 C and 80 C are observed in Fig. 6(e) and (g) for different Vgson and Iheat. The derived thermal impedance curves, however, barely change as shown in Fig. 6(f) and (h). Additionally, the measurement delay time remains unchanged. Thus, conclusion can be made that Vgson and Iheat have negligible affect on the thermal characterization given a sufficient gate turn-off voltage and sensing current.

    VI. A Guideline for Reproducible Transient Thermal Measurements of SiC MOSFETs

    A. Junction-to-Case Thermal Impedance Measurement

    Cooling curve measurement evaluates the thermal impedance from the device junction temperature to the ambient. More importantly, it can be used to identify the junction-to-case thermal impedance, which attracts more industrial interest. The JESD 51-14 standard clearly states the procedure by using transient dual interface approach. The overall principle is to conduct two transient thermal measurements of the identical device but with and without thermal interface material (denoted as tim and dry, respectively).

    The two derived thermal curves start to separate as soon as the heat flow enters the TIM layer due to the surface roughness between package and cold-plate. Same procedure is followed in this paper based on the testing platform in Fig. 7(a) and previously identified test conditions of Vgs_off = -6 V and Isense = 100 mA. Subsequently, the cooling curves and thermal impedance curves are obtained as shown in Fig. 7(b) and (c). A clear separation point, or namely junction-to-case thermal impedance, can be observed at 0.8 K/W in Fig. 7(c) and in the thermal structure function curve in Fig. 7(d).

    Fig. 7. Experimental measurement of junction-to-case thermal impedance of the SiC MOSFET
    B. Transient Thermal Measurement Guideline

    Based on the analysis and results discussed earlier, a flowchart to achieve a reproducible transient thermal measurement is provided in Fig. 8. It is evident that the gate turn-off voltage (Vgsoff) is a critical parameter that needs to be determined initially. Method 1 or 2 from Section IV-A can be applied. Certain margin can be added within the maximum gate voltage too as it benefits both static and dynamic states.

    Subsequently, the sensing current (Isense) should be carefully selected. Too large or small sensing currents may not be conducive to accurate transient thermal measurements. It is important to ensure that the pn-junction dominates the measured drain-source voltage (Vsd) in terms of linearity, sensitivity, self-dissipation ratio, and measurement delay. Both the static and dynamic states should be evaluated comprehensively.

    Fig. 8. A flowchart for reproducible transient thermal measurement.

    Once Vgsoff and Isense have been determined, the cooling curve measurement can be conducted accordingly. A final validation process can be added by varying the heating current (Iheat) or gate turn-on voltage (Vgsoff) to further validate the accuracy and reproducibility of the measurements.

    C. Viability Validation

    To validate the viability of the proposed flow, three additional devices from different vendors are tested with key information listed in Table II. Device 1 has been investigated in Section IV-V in detail. Fig. 9 shows the results of determining Vgsoff based on method 2. It is apparent that Vgsoff = −6 V, employed by multiple existing studies, is not sufficient enough for device 3 and 4 that require -10 V and -13 V to turn their channel off completely.

    Fig. 9. Selection of Vgsoff and Isense for additional three different devices listed in Table II

    But it should be noted that these two values exceed the maximum allowable gate voltages according to devices data sheet. It implies that the current thermal transient measurement method based on Vsd may not be applicable to device 3 and 4 without exceeding the maximum gate turn-off voltage. Moreover, the selection of Isense with respect to the dynamic performance can be found in Fig. 9 together with the corresponding static performances listed in Table II. 100 mA is a proper sensing current for all 4 devices due to the short tMD and negligible self dissipation. It should be noted that the sensing current is around 5.26 ‰ of the rated current of the SiC MOSFET, which is different from Si devices.


    VII. Conclusion

    This paper investigates the thermal characterization of SiC MOSFET based on the body diode source-drain voltage. Two key steps, namely the calibration and cooling curve measurement, are evaluated comprehensively. The selection of key testing conditions, i.e., sensing/heating currents, gate turn-off/turn-on voltages, are thoroughly assessed based on their impacts on the thermal characterization and the following conclusions are achieved:

    1. Low enough gate turn-off voltage shall be used in both calibration and cooling curve measurement to ensure a completely shut channel and correct thermal impedance measurement. However, the required negative gate voltage may exceed the maximum allowable range, which causes the current thermal transient measurement method based on Vsd being not available for these devices within the maximum allowable gate voltage.
    2. Insufficient sensing current deteriorates the dynamics in terms of longer electrical disturbance and more noises, while too large sensing current sacrifices the steady-state performance in particular of a large self dissipation ratio.
    3. Gate turn-on voltage and heating current have negligible impacts on the measured thermal impedance. The consistency of the thermal impedance under varied gate turn-on voltage or heating current can be used as a validation.

    Besides, a guide flowchart to perform reproducible transient thermal measurement for SiC MOSFETs is provided in this paper, which includes the selection of the electrical parameters and a validation process.


    Yi Zhang, Yichi Zhang, Zhiliang Xu, Zhongxu Wang, Voon Hon Wong, Zhebie Lu, Antonio Caruso

    Original – Research Gate

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  • SemiQ Adds 1200V SiC MOSFET Modules to Its QSiC™ Product Family

    SemiQ Adds 1200V SiC MOSFET Modules to Its QSiC™ Product Family

    3 Min Read

    SemiQ Inc. unveiled the latest addition to the company’s QSiC™ family. The QSiC 1200V SiC MOSFET modules in full-bridge configurations deliver near zero switching loss, significantly improving efficiency, reducing heat dissipation, and allowing the use of smaller heatsinks.

    With a high breakdown voltage exceeding 1400V, the QSiC modules in full-bridge configurations withstand high-temperature operation at Tj = 175°C with minimal Rds(On) shift across the entire temperature spectrum. Crafted from high-performance ceramics, SemiQ’s modules achieve exceptional performance levels, increased power density, and more compact designs—especially in high-frequency and high-power environments.

    Consequently, they are well-suited for demanding applications that require bidirectional power flow or a broader range of control, such as solar inverters, drives and chargers for Electric Vehicles (EVs) DC-DC converters and power supplies.

    In solar inverter applications, SemiQ’s technology empowers designers to achieve greater efficiency – reaching as high as 98% –  as well as more compact designs. It helps reduce heat loss, improve thermal stability, and enhance reliability, backed by over 54 million hours of HTRB/H3TRB testing. The 1200V MOSFETs also maximize efficiency gains in DC-DC converters while enhancing reliability and minimizing power dissipation.

    To guarantee a stable gate threshold voltage and premium gate oxide quality for each module, SemiQ conducts gate burn-in testing at the wafer level. In addition to the burn-in test, which contributes to mitigating extrinsic failure rates, various stress tests—including gate stress, high-temperature reverse bias (HTRB) drain stress, and high humidity, high voltage, high temperature (H3TRB)—are employed to attain the necessary automotive and industrial grade quality standards. The devices also offer extended short-circuit ratings, and all parts have undergone testing surpassing 1400V.

    “At SemiQ, our commitment lies in the meticulous optimization and customization of each module, ensuring they not only meet but exceed the unique demands of high-efficiency, high-power applications,” said Dr. Timothy Han, President at SemiQ. “We believe in empowering innovation through tailored solutions, and our SiC modules exemplify the pinnacle of performance, precision, and reliability in every customized design.” 

    SemiQ is set to debut its QSiC product family in SOT-227, half-bridge, and full-bridge packages at the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) in Long Beach, CA, from February 25 to 29, 2024. Attendees at SemiQ’s booth #2245 will be the first to explore the newest additions to the QSiC lineup. Schedule a meeting with the SemiQ team using online calendar or email at

    SemiQ’s new 1200V modules in full-bridge packages are available in 20mΩ, 40mΩ, 80mΩ SiC MOSFETs categories:

    Part NumbersCircuit ConfigurationRatings, PackagesRdsOn mΩ
    GCMX020A120B2H1PFull-bridge1200V/102A, B2 20
    GCMX040A120B2H1PFull-bridge1200V/56A, B2 40
    GCMX080A120B2H1PFull-bridge1200V/27A, B280
    GCMX020A120B3H1PFull-bridge1200V/93A, B320
    GCMX040A120B3H1PFull-bridge1200V/53A, B340

    Original – SemiQ

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  • MCC Semi Unveils a New 1700V SiC MOSFET

    MCC Semi Unveils a New 1700V SiC MOSFET

    1 Min Read

    Micro Commercial Components unveiled 1700V SiC MOSFET – SICW400N170A-BP. Designed to elevate power conversion in a range of applications, this MOSFET features ultra-low on-resistance of only 400mΩ and high blocking voltage capability. SICW400N170A-BP SiC MOSFET enables high-speed switching while ensuring minimal conduction losses — essential requirements for optimizing frequency-dependent systems. 

    A standard, yet durable TO-247AB package delivers effective operation at a gate-source voltage of 20V with superior thermal stability and an operating junction temperature of +175°C. 

    This unwavering reliability in harsh conditions only adds to the component’s appeal and versatility for various high-voltage applications, including EV charging stations and renewable energy systems.

    Features & Benefits:
    • High blocking voltage capability (1700V)
    • Ultra-low on-resistance (400mΩ) enhances efficiency
    • Low capacitance enables faster switching
    • Excellent thermal stability
    • High operating junction temperature (to +175°C)
    • Standard TO-247AB package

    Original – Micro Commercial Components

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  • MCC Introduced a New 1200V SiC MOSFET

    MCC Introduced a New 1200V SiC MOSFET

    1 Min Read

    Micro Commercial Components introduced its latest high-performance component — 1200V SiC N-channel MOSFET. With an impressively low on-resistance of just 28mΩ at a gate-source voltage of 18V, SICW028N120A4-BP is engineered to deliver in demanding high-power applications. 

    Housed in a TO-247-4 package, this MOSFET works well with the popular D2PAK 4-pin footprint and includes a Kelvin source pin for significant reduction in switching losses and a boost in energy efficiency. 

    A high operating junction temperature of up to +175°C and excellent thermal stability ensure this new SiC MOSFET will revolutionize power management in a diverse range of industrial and commercial devices that must perform in harsh conditions.

    Features & Benefits:

    • 1200V blocking voltage capability
    • 28mΩ low on-resistance
    • Kelvin source pin for enhanced switching
    • Avalanche ruggedness for durability
    • Excellent thermal stability
    • High operating junction temperature range (+175°C)
    • D2PAK-compatible 4-pin TO-247-4 package

    Original – Micro Commercial Components

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  • Qorvo to Showcase Latest Power Management Innovations at APEC in California

    Qorvo to Showcase Latest Power Management Innovations at APEC in California

    2 Min Read

    Qorvo® will showcase its latest power management innovations at the upcoming Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) from Feb. 26-28, at the Long Beach Convention Center in California. Attendees are invited to visit the Qorvo booth #1857 to explore the latest advancements in SPICE simulation, silicon carbide (SiC) and battery management technologies.

    Qorvo will feature the following highlights at APEC 2024:

    QSPICE™ Simulation Software Showcase
    APEC attendees can experience the next level of simulation with Qorvo’s advanced QSPICE tool during three insightful training sessions and engage in a Q&A with the tool’s creator, Mike Engelhardt. For those unable to attend APEC, the sessions will be available on the Qorvo YouTube channel in March.

    Training Session Schedule:

    • Tuesday, Feb. 27, 10-10:20 a.m.: The QSPICE User-Interface
    • Tuesday, Feb. 27, 3-3:20 p.m.: Importing 3rd Party Models
    • Wednesday, Feb. 28, 10-10:20 a.m.: Anatomy of a Macro Model Done Right

    Launch of Inaugural SiC Module Family
    Qorvo will unveil its first SiC module family, featuring an innovative cascode JFET architecture. This highly integrated device family simplifies high-voltage designs and offers exceptional thermal and electrical performance due to low switching losses, low thermal resistance and RDS(on) as low as 9.4mΩ.

    Battery Management Demonstrations
    Visitors to the booth can see Qorvo’s wireless battery management debut with a demonstration showcasing a remote battery pack monitoring and state of charge solution, created in combination with Qorvo’s IoT microcontroller.

    Original – Qorvo

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  • Leapers Semiconductor Introduced a New Family of SiC Power Modules

    Leapers Semiconductor Introduced a New Family of SiC Power Modules

    2 Min Read

    Leapers Semiconductor introduced a new 62 mm package SiC module product portfolio, achieving top-tier performance in the industry. The modules adopt the widely used 62 mm module half-bridge topology design in the industrial field, using high-quality mature chips. It boasts high voltage resistance, outstanding power density, high short-circuit tolerance, and a temperature coefficient 1.4 times better than industry standards.

    The 62 mm SiC modules include voltage resistance specifications of 1200V and 1700V, meeting the demands of high-power applications, especially suitable for applications in the smart grid, rail transit, energy storage, and power supplies.

    Because of the use of leading-edge chip solutions in the industry and the application of low thermal resistance and low stray capacitance packaging technology, along with the use of Si3N4 AMB low thermal resistance substrate, Leapers’ 62 mm SiC product excels in power density, short-circuit current withstand capability, thermal resistance, and other capabilities. Particularly under high junction temperature conditions, the module’s conduction and switching losses significantly outperform industry standards.

    Technical Features:

    • Voltage resistance options: 1200V or 1700V
    • Outstanding current output capability
    • Temperature coefficient index better than industry standards
    • Low losses, excellent short-circuit current withstand capability
    • Si3N4 AMB, low thermal resistance

    Currently, Leapers 62 mm SiC modules have undergone bench tests and received orders, involving applications such as grid inverters and auxiliary inverters for rail transit vehicles. Downstream customers include domestic power grid and overseas rail transit enterprises.

    Original – Leapers Semiconductor

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  • VMAX Selected Infineon Technologies for the Next Generation OBC

    VMAX Selected Infineon Technologies for the Next Generation OBC

    2 Min Read

    VMAX, a leading Chinese manufacturer of power electronics and motor drives for new energy vehicles, has selected the new CoolSiC™ hybrid discrete with TRENCHSTOP™ 5 Fast-Switching IGBT and CoolSiC Schottky Diode from Infineon Technologies AG for its next generation 6.6 kW OBC/DCDC on-board chargers.

    Infineon’s components come in a D²PAK package and combine ultra-fast TRENCHSTOP 5 IGBTs with half-rated free-wheeling SiC Schottky barrier diodes to achieve a perfect cost-performance ratio for both hard and soft switching topologies. With their superior performance, optimized power density and leading quality, the power devices are ideally suited for VMAX’s on-board chargers.

    “We are proud to choose Infineon’s CoolSiC Hybrid device in our next-generation OBC, achieving higher reliability, stability, improved performance, and power density. This deepens our already strong partnership with Infineon and drives technological application innovation through close collaboration, working together to promote the thriving development of new energy vehicles,” said Jinzhu Xu, PL Director& Chief Engineer, R&D Department at VMAX.

    “We are excited to strengthen our partnership with VMAX with our highly efficient hybrid products,” said Robert Hermann, Vice President for Automotive High Voltage Chips and Discretes at Infineon. “Together, we will continue to drive e-mobility advancements, providing efficient solutions that meet the requirements of the industry in terms of performance, quality and system cost.”

    With its fast, hard switching TRENCHSTOP 5 650 V IGBT co-packed with zero reverse recovery CoolSiC Schottky diode, the hybrid discrete benefits from very low switching losses at switching speeds above 50 kHz. This makes the device an excellent option for high-power electric vehicle charging systems.

    In addition, the robust 5 th generation CoolSiC Schottky diode offers increased robustness against surge currents, maximizing reliability. Furthermore, the diffusion soldering of the SiC diode has improved the thermal resistance (R th) to the package for small chip sizes, resulting in increased power switching capability.

    With these features, it enables optimum system reliability and longevity, meeting the stringent requirements of the automotive industry. To further maximize compatibility with existing designs, the product also features a pin-to-pin compatible design based on the widely used D²PAK package.

    Original – Infineon Technologies

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  • Wolfspeed to Expand Existing Long-Term SiC Wafer Supply Agreement with a Leading Global Semiconductor Company

    Wolfspeed to Expand Existing Long-Term SiC Wafer Supply Agreement with a Leading Global Semiconductor Company

    2 Min Read

    Wolfspeed, Inc. announced the expansion of an existing long-term silicon carbide wafer supply agreement with a leading global semiconductor company. The expanded agreement, which is now worth approximately $275 million in total, calls for Wolfspeed to supply the company with 150mm silicon carbide bare and epitaxial wafers, reinforcing both companies’ visions for an industry-wide transition from silicon to silicon carbide semiconductor power devices.

    “As the global leader in silicon carbide wafer production, Wolfspeed is uniquely positioned to be a critical supplier of high-quality and advanced silicon carbide materials at scale. We will continue to be an important partner to power device manufacturers who need the highest-quality silicon carbide wafers to service their customers,” said Dr. Cengiz Balkas, SVP and GM of Materials for Wolfspeed.

    “This agreement further strengthens our long-time partnership with a best-in-class power semiconductor manufacturer. Our collective efforts are helping to address the rapidly expanding opportunity for silicon carbide and better address the unfulfilled demand that exists in the marketplace today.”

    The adoption of silicon carbide-based power solutions is rapidly growing across multiple markets, including industrial and EVs. Silicon carbide solutions enable smaller, lighter and more cost-effective designs, converting energy more efficiently to unlock new applications in electrification. This supply agreement will enable silicon carbide applications in a broad range of industries, such as: renewable energy and storage, electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, industrial power supplies, traction and variable speed drives.

    Wolfspeed is the global leader in the manufacturing of silicon carbide wafers and epitaxial wafers. The company is currently expanding its manufacturing capacity in the United States and has plans to open a new, automated materials factory in Siler City, North Carolina later this year that will produce 200mm silicon carbide wafers. The new materials factory will increase Wolfspeed’s current materials production capacity by ten times.

    Original – Wolfspeed

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  • SiC Trench MOSFET with Depletion-Mode pMOS for Enhanced Short-Circuit Capability and Switching Performance

    SiC Trench MOSFET with Depletion-Mode pMOS for Enhanced Short-Circuit Capability and Switching Performance

    14 Min Read


    A novel 4H-SiC trench metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (TMOS) with depletion-mode pMOS (D-pMOS) is proposed and investigated via TCAD simulation. It has an auxiliary gate electrode that controls the electrical connections of P-shield layers under the trench bottom through the D-pMOS. In linear operation, the D-pMOS is turned off and then the potential of the P-shield layers is raised with the auxiliary gate, which shrinks the width of the depletion region of the P-shield/N-drift junction to reduce the resistance of the JFET region. In the saturation operation, the saturation current density of the proposed TMOS is reduced, benefiting from its relatively large cell pitch.

    The design concept eases the tension between specific on-resistance and short circuit capabilities. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed TMOS exhibits a short circuit withstand time that is 1.92 times longer than that of the conventional TMOS. In addition, a drive tactic is introduced and optimized for the proposed TMOS, which requires only one set of gate drivers. Compared with the conventional TMOS, the switching performance is improved and the switching loss is reduced by 40%.

    1. Introduction

    Silicon carbide (SiC) metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) with higher critical breakdown fields, lower switching loss, and better thermal conductivity are of interest to replace silicon-insulated gate bipolar transistors (Si IGBTs) in power electronic applications. This is particularly true for the electric vehicle (EV) industry today, where the range anxiety of driving an EV is the primary motivation for developing high-power-density and high-efficiency power systems. Starting with the milestone of the first SiC UMOSFET introduced by Cree Research, significant improvements in on-state resistance and power density have been achieved with the transition from the planar gate to trench gate.

    The fatal weakness of SiC trench-gate MOSFETs (TMOS) is a crowded electric field at the trench corner, which causes premature breakdown. The oxide electric field at the trench corner (ECorner) is recommended to be less than 4 MV/cm. To date, designs to suppress the ECorner have been extensively studied. In addition, some structures have been developed and commercialized, such as Rohm’s double-trench MOSFET and Infineon’s asymmetric-trench MOSFET. The introduction of the grounded P-shield regions under the trench bottom is an effective approach to suppress the electric field at the trench corners, but the specific on-resistance (RON, sp) is sacrificed due to the increase in the resistance of the junction field-effect transistor (RJFET).

    Y. Wang proposed an optimized UMOSFET with low RON, sp, by introducing an additional N-type layer under the grounded P-shield regions to attenuate RJFET. J. Wei proposed a novel MOSFET structure featuring both trench and planar channels, which increased the channel density and thus improved the trade-off relationship between RON, sp, and ECorner. M. Zhang proposed a new SiC trench MOSFET structure with self-biased p-shield, using an external self-biasing network, which reduces RJFET and keeps a low off-state oxide field. Based on that, Y. Xing introduced a depletion P-channel MOS (D-pMOS) to the conventional TMOS. The new structure adjusts the potential of the P-shield via the D-pMOS for low on-state resistance.

    Nevertheless, the saturation current density of TMOS also increases with increasing channel density and decreasing on-state resistance, which means that the short-circuit (SC) capability of TMOS is even weaker and the SC withstanding time (tSC) is shorter. T. Yang proposed an embedded JFET structure inside TMOS to reduce the peak SC current. W. Ni reported the optimization of the overlap region of the grounded P-shield layers to improve the trade-off relationship between RON, sp, and tSC. The major challenge, however, is to improve the trade-off relationship between RON, sp and SC capabilities in the development of SiC TMOS.

    In this article, a new design of 4H-SiC TMOS with depletion-mode pMOS (D-pMOS) is proposed and studied via Silvaco TCAD simulation. A D-pMOS is embedded into SiC MOSFET and an auxiliary gate electrode is introduced to control the electrical connections of P-shield layers under the trench bottom. The design concept significantly improves the trade-off relationship between RON, sp and SC capability. In addition, a drive method for the proposed TMOS is introduced to achieve lower switching loss.

    The subsequent sections of the paper are organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the device structure and design concept of the proposed TMOS. Section 3 presents the numerical simulation results and discussion, while Section 4 provides the conclusion.

    2. Device Structure and Design Concept

    Figure 1 shows the cross-sectional views of the conventional trench MOSFET with grounded P-shield layers (GP-TMOS) and the proposed TMOS with D-pMOS. The proposed TMOS is derived from the GP-TMOS, but it has two unique structural features.

    To create a depletion-mode pMOS, a lightly doped P-type layer is positioned between the P+ layer and the P-shield layer. In addition, the poly-Si gate is split into two parts, called the main gate (MG) and the auxiliary gate (AG). The MG controls the n-MOS, while the AG controls the D-pMOS. The two device structures share the device parameters as those listed in Table 1.

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    Electronics 12 04764 g001b

    Figure 1. Cross-sectional views of (a) the conventional GP-TMOS, and (b) the proposed TMOS.

    Table 1. Device parameters for TCAD simulations.

    Table 1. Device parameters for TCAD simulations

    The RJFET of the GP-TMOS consists of two parts, as shown in Figure 1a. RJFET1 is formed between the P-base and P-shield, and RJFET2 is formed between adjacent P-shield layers. They can be expressed as

    RJFET1 is formed between the P-base and P-shield, and RJFET2 is formed between adjacent P-shield layers

    Here, WGP is the horizontal distance of the P-shield layer beyond the gate trench. WD_P-shield is the depletion region width of the P-shield/N-drift junction. WD_P-base is the depletion region width of the P-base/N-drift junction. tB is the vertical distance between P-base and P-shield. TP-shield is the thickness of the P-shield layer. VD is the potential of the P-shield/N-drift junction. According to Equation (3), the P-shield layer potential VD determines the extent of the depletion region in the JFET region of TMOS.

    In the forward on-state, the P-shield layer of the proposed TMOS is disconnected from the source electrode by turning off the D-pMOS, and its potential is affected and increased by the voltage of the AG. Figure 2 shows the current density distributions for the GP-TMOS and the proposed TMOS at VMG = 18 V and VAG = 18 V. In the linear operation (Vds = 1 V), the depletion region width (WD) of the P-shield/N-drift junction for the proposed TMOS is smaller than that of the GP-TMOS, as illustrated in Figure 2a,b.

    The current path width of the proposed TMOS is widened to decrease RJFET. In the saturation operation (Vds = 800 V), WD for the proposed TMOS is the same as that of the GP-TMOS, as well as the current path width in a single-cell pitch, as shown in Figure 2c,d. This indicates that RJFET1 and RJFET2 of the proposed TMOS are equal to those of the GP-TMOS in a single-cell pitch. Due to a relatively large cell pitch, the saturation current (Jsat) of the proposed TMOS can be remarkably reduced for the same active area. Thus, the proposed TMOS achieves a superior tradeoff relationship between RON, sp and SC capability.

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    Figure 2. Current density distributions of two devices. (a) GP-TMOS at Vds = 1 V; (b) the proposed TMOS at Vds = 1 V; (c) GP-TMOS at Vds = 800 V and (d) the proposed TMOS at Vds = 800 V.

    Figure 3a depicts the energy band diagram of the sandwiched P-type layers along the cutline A-A’ (shown in Figure 1b). When VAG = 0 V, the hole barrier between the P+ layer and the P-shield layer is small. The lightly doped P- layer can transport holes from the P-shield to P+, as shown in Figure 3b, indicating that the P-shield layer is grounded.

    When VAG = 18 V, the EV from the P-shield layer to the P- layer decreases, resulting in a hole barrier. This is because the lightly doped P-layer is completely depleted, preventing holes’ transportation from the P-shield layer to the P+ layer, as shown in Figure 3c. This means that the P-shield layer is disconnected from the source electrode and is floating.

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    Figure 3. (a) Energy band diagram of the sandwiched P-type layers along the cutline A-A’, and operation mechanisms at (bVAG = 0 V and (cVAG =18 V.

    In the blocking voltage state, the P-shield layer of the proposed TMOS is connected to the source electrode by turning on the D-pMOS, similar to that of the GP-TMOS. The grounded P-shield layer protects the gate oxide from the high electric field, and then maintains a reliable blocking high voltage capability.

    During the switching transient, the P-shield layer of the proposed TMOS is also connected to the source electrode for safe operation. This is because the TMOS with floating P-shield layers has a notorious drawback, which is called dynamic on-resistance degradation. The proposed TMOS has an additional gate electrode, but only one set of gate drivers is required, as shown in Figure 4a.

    Using two gate drive resistances, RAG-g and RMG-g, nMOS and D-pMOS can operate asynchronously. Figure 4b shows the waveforms of the MG voltage and AG voltage. The D-pMOS is set to turn off after the nMOS has turned on, keeping the P-shield layer grounded during the switching transient for reliable dynamic operation.

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    Figure 4. (a) Simplified diagram of the gate driver principle; (b) waveforms of two gate voltages.

    3. Simulation Results and Discussion

    The physical models include recombination models, incomplete ionization models, mobility models, bandgap narrowing models, and impact ionization models. It is noted that the Giga module is employed to capture self-heating effects and thermoelectric powers. The channel mobility of the TMOS is fixed to 50 cm2/V·s. In this comparison, the numerical simulation parameters are identical.

    Figure 5 shows the impact of the width, WP-, and the doping concentration of the lightly doped P- layer, NP-, on the RON, sp (VMG = 18 V, VAG = 18 V and Jds = 200 A/cm2) and Jsat (VMG = 18 V, VAG = 18 V and Vds = 800 V) values of the proposed TMOS. As WP- and NP- decrease, RON, sp decreases and then remains at a fixed value. This is because the electrical connection state of the P-shield layer changes from grounded to floating. A small WP- and a low NP- facilitate the depletion of the P- layer. In contrast, Jsat increases as WP- and NP- decrease. The maximum Jsat is still below 6.5 kV/cm2 due to the relatively large cell pitch for the proposed TMOS.

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    Figure 5. Impact of WP- and NP- on (aRON, sp and (bJsat for the proposed TMOS.

    Figure 6 shows the forward output characteristics for the proposed TMOS and the GP-TMOS. The WP- and NP- of the proposed TMOS are 1.0 μm and 4.0 × 1016 cm−3. The RON, sp of the proposed TMOS and the GP-TMOS is 2.95 mΩ·cm2 and 2.53 mΩ·cm2 with Vgs = 18 V and Jds = 200 A/cm2, respectively. The RON, sp of the proposed TMOS is approximately 10% higher than that of the GP-TMOS, whereas the Jsat of the proposed TMOS is substantially reduced from 10.22 kA/cm2 to 5.85 kA/cm2, a reduction of nearly 43%. 

    Figure 7 shows the blocking voltage characteristics. The P-shield layer of the proposed TMOS is grounded (VMG = 0 V and VAG = 0 V). The blocking behavior of the proposed TMOS is similar to that of the GP-TMOS. The maximum electric field of both is located at the P-shield/N-drift junction.

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    Figure 6. The output characteristics of the proposed TMOS and the GP-TMOS.

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    Figure 7. The blocking characteristics of the proposed TMOS and the GP-TMOS.

    Figure 8 displays the SC-simulated waveforms of the current density, Jds, and the temperature profile for both the proposed TMOS and the GP-TMOS with Vgs = 18 V and Vds = 800.0 V. The peak current density of the proposed TMOS is decreased by 30%. Therefore, the junction temperature of the proposed TMOS is also lower, which could postpone the triggering of thermal runaway. Compared to the GP-TMOS, the SC withstanding time (tSC) of the proposed TMOS increases from 5.2 μs to 10.0 μs, which is approximately 1.92 times longer. The new design concept significantly eases the tension between RON, sp and tSC.

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    Figure 8. Short-circuit waveforms of the proposed TMOS and the GP-TMOS.

    Figure 9 shows the schematic diagram of the dynamic switching simulation. The switching voltage and current are set to 800.0 V and 20.0 A, respectively. The stray inductance in the power loop is 5 nH. Figure 10 shows the influences of the AG resistance, RAG-g, and the doping concentration of the P-layer, NP-, on the power loss of the proposed TMOS. The power loss includes turn on loss and turn off loss. The RMG-g is set to 5, 10, and 20 Ω, and the dependence relationships are shown in Figure 10a–c. As NP- and RAG-g increase, the power loss decreases for various RMG-g.

    This is caused by the change in the P-shield layer’s connection state during the switching transient, from a floating state to a grounded state. The TMOS with floating P-shield layers has poor dynamic performance and exhibits relatively higher switching loss. As NP- increases, a relatively high AG voltage is required to fully deplete the P-layer, which affects the threshold voltage of the D-pMOS. On the other hand, increasing RAG-g delays the triggering of the D-pMOS’s turn off during the turn on stage of the proposed TMOS. Both of the above methods can achieve grounded P-shield layers during the switching on transient of the proposed TMOS. 

    Figure 11 shows the switching waveforms of the proposed TMOS under two conditions. Condition I is NP- = 1 × 1016 cm−3 and RAG-g = 1 Ω, while condition II is NP- = 4 × 1016 cm−3 and RAG-g = 20 Ω. Under condition I, the D-pMOS turns off before the nMOS turns on. The turn on behavior of the proposed TMOS is the same as that of the TMOS with floating P-shield layers, where the expanding depletion region of the P-shield/N-drift junction cannot shrink back immediately, resulting in a slower switching speed and dynamic RON degradation. Under condition II, the D-pMOS turns off after the nMOS turns on. The switching performance is obviously improved by grounding the P-shield.

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    Figure 9. The schematic diagram of the dynamic switching simulation.

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    Figure 10. Influences of RAG-g and NP- on the power loss, when (aRMG-g = 5 Ω, (bRMG-g = 10 Ω, and (cRMG-g = 20 Ω.

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    Figure 11. Switching waveforms of the proposed TMOS for condition I (NP- = 1 × 1016 cm−3RAG-g = 1 Ω) and condition II (NP- = 4 × 1016 cm−3RAG-g = 20 Ω).

    Figure 12 compares the switching waveforms for the proposed TMOS and the GP-TMOS. Both the gate resistance of the GP-TMOS and the MG resistance of the proposed TMOS are set to 10 Ω. The NP- and RAG-g of the proposed TMOS are 4.0 × 1016 cm−3 and 5 Ω, respectively. The optimized AG resistance ensures a reliable switching operation without dynamic RON degradation. Moreover, the switching speed of the proposed TMOS is improved, due to the split-gate structure.

    The proposed TMOS exhibits a shorter switching time as a result of its lower gate drain capacitance. The tON and tOFF of the SFP-SG-MOSFET are both smaller than those of the GP-TMOS and decrease by 48.7% and 74%, respectively. The switching power losses are calculated as shown in Figure 13. The turn on loss (EON) for the proposed TMOS is 1.05 mJ/cm2, which is reduced by about 35.5% compared to the GP-TMOS. The turn off loss (EOFF) for the proposed TMOS is 0.38 mJ/cm2, which is reduced by about 50% compared to that of the GP-TMOS.

    The total switching loss (ESW) for the proposed TMOS is as low as 1.43 mJ/cm2, showing a 40% reduction compared to that of the GP-TMOS. The performance comparison of the two devices is offered in Table 2.

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    Figure 12. Switching waveforms of the proposed TMOS and the GP-TMOS.

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    Figure 13. Switching losses of the proposed TMOS and the GP-TMOS.

    Table 2. Comparison of two structure device characteristics.

    Table 2. Comparison of two structure device characteristics.

    4. Conclusions

    A novel 4H-SiC-trench MOSFET with a depletion-mode pMOS (D-pMOS) is proposed and investigated numerically. Using the D-pMOS, the potential of the P-shield layer of the proposed TMOS can be controlled using an auxiliary gate. The width of the depletion region of the P-shield/N-drift junction is adaptively modulated in the linear and saturation operating regions.

    Consequently, the proposed TMOS acquires a superior RON, sptSC tradeoff, achieving a 92% longer short-circuit withstanding time than that of the GP-TMOS. Moreover, the proposed TMOS flexibly utilizes two different gate resistances, while using only one set of gate drivers, which suppresses the dynamic RON degradation and further reduces switching loss. It achieves a 40% lower switching loss than that of the GP-TMOS. The superior SC capability and lower switching dissipation of the proposed TMOS hold the promise of enhancing the efficiency and reliability of power electronic systems.


    Hengyu Yu, Limeng Shi, Monikuntala Bhattacharya, Michael Jin, Jiashu Qian, Anant K. Agarwal

    Original – MDPI

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