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  • Influence of JFET Width on Short-Circuit Robustness of 1200 V SiC Power MOSFETs

    Influence of JFET Width on Short-Circuit Robustness of 1200V SiC Power MOSFETs

    25 Min Read


    This paper investigates and compares the static performance and short-circuit (SC) robustness of 1200 V SiC MOSFETs with varying JFET widths (WJFET = 2.0–5.0 μm). Short-circuit measurements as well as electrical-thermal simulations are used to identify thermal distribution and maximum electrical field, providing valuable insights into the design limits. The devices under test (DUTs) with narrow and wide WJFET exhibit different failure mechanisms under SC stress.

    After the short-circuit failure, interlayer dielectric (ILD) cracks are observed in DUTs with narrow JFET width (WJFET < 3 μm). In contrast, it is discovered that the burn mark is located in the channel region of the device with a wide JFET width. Moreover, the short-circuit withstand time (SCWT) of DUTs with narrow and wide WJFET exhibits varying trends under high temperature conditions (100 °C). These results can help verify the different failure mechanisms and determine an optimal JFET design to improve the trade-off between the static performance and SC ruggedness of the SiC MOSFETs.

    1. Introduction

    SiC MOSFETs have already emerged as one of the most crucial components in power electronic systems. They can be utilized at frequencies exceeding 100 kHz, which can facilitate a reduction in the volume of passive components and enhance the power density of the system [1]. MOSFETs are gaining increasing popularity in electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and railways, with a growing interest in their reliability and robustness.

    Approximately 38% of inverter failures can be attributed to the failure of power devices induced by short-circuit (SC) stresses [2,3,4]. During the device operation, unexpected circuit faults may occur. For example, in the half-bridge circuit, failures often arise from short circuits in the upper or lower bridge devices, and the device channel may accidentally conduct current when the device withstands the high drain voltage. This high current density flowing through the device can lead to device failure.

    Numerous investigations have been conducted on the short-circuit characteristics of commercial SiC MOSFETs. The results of the short-circuit test provide valuable information about the SiC MOSFET’s ability to handle short-circuit faults without suffering permanent damage. It helps in determining the device’s short-circuit withstand capability, evaluating the effectiveness of its protection mechanisms, and assessing its thermal management strategies [5].

    This knowledge is crucial for designing reliable power electronic systems that utilize SiC MOSFETs and ensuring their safe operation under various fault conditions. The short-circuit performance of SiC MOSFET power modules under various operating conditions has also been studied [6,7]. Compared to Si IGBTs, the short-circuit withstand time (SCWT) of SiC MOSFETs is 80% shorter due to their larger current densities and higher electrical fields [7]. During the short-circuit (SC) process, the heat generated in SiC MOSFETs leads to a rapid increase in the junction temperature, exceeding 1000 °C [8,9].

    The rapid increase in junction temperature induces thermal and mechanical stress on the interface between aluminum and the interlayer dielectric. This stress has been observed to cause cracks at the corner of the interlayer dielectric, as reported in references [10,11]. The oxide thickness, Pwell doping and channel length have been extensively studied in SiC MOSFETs [12,13,14]. Channel structure on the short-circuit capability of SiC MOSFETs has been investigated. The impacts of channel design parameters, such as doping profiles and dimensions, are compared, offering guidelines for optimizing the channel structure for enhanced short-circuit performance [15].

    The impacts of gate structure on the short-circuit performance of SiC MOSFETs are explored. Different gate designs influence the device’s ability to handle short-circuit events, providing insights into optimizing the gate structure for improved short-circuit withstand time [16]. However, the short-circuit robustness of SiC MOSFET with different JFET widths and the optimal design for JFET width are still under investigation. JFET width is the vital parameter in SiC MOSFET, which not only affects the on-resistance, electrical field at oxide, but also influences the saturate current and short-circuit characteristics.

    The device researcher always focuses on the optimal parameters in static performance, but the comparison of short-circuit characteristics of switches with different JFET widths needs to be evaluated. Furthermore, devices from various manufacturers have different value (Commercial device of A company has the width of 1.75 μm. Commercial device of B company has the width of 2.8 μm).

    In this study, SiC MOSFETs with various structural parameters are fabricated and their impacts on short-circuit capability are investigated. The correlation between short-circuit withstanding time and measurement temperature is studied. Electrical-thermal simulations are used to identify thermal distribution and maximum electrical field, providing valuable insights into the design limits. Additionally, device failure mechanisms are analyzed based on experimental and simulation results for different structure designs. Finally, the optimal structure design of SiC MOSFETs is summarized for improving the trade-off relationship between device conduction performance and short-circuit ruggedness.

    2. Materials and Methods

    2.1. Static Characteristics of SiC MOSFETs with Different Structural Parameters

    As shown in Figure 1, the JFET width (WJFET) is one of the key structural parameters for SiC MOSFETs, which significantly affects both device performance and reliability. To study its impact on short-circuit ruggedness, 1200 V SiC MOSFETs with various WJFET (2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 μm) are fabricated in this work. In the fabricated SiC MOSFETs, the channel doping is 1 × 1017 cm−3, the drift region doping is 8 × 1015 cm−3 and the drift thickness is 12 μm. The fabrication flow is shown in Figure 2. In SiC MOSFET, the JFET region is located between two adjacent P well regions.

    And P well—Nepi—P well is like JFET (junction field effect transistor), so this region is named the JFET region. Due to the intrinsic depletion region, the real current path is narrower than the dimension of WJFET. To optimize, the minimal resistance and minimize electrical field are at the center of gate oxide (<3 MV/cm).

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    Figure 1. The schematic diagram of the 1200 V SiC MOSFET.

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    Figure 2. Manufacture flow of the 1200 V SiC MOSFET.

    The five SiC MOSFET devices in this study are labeled A1–A5. The devices have identical active areas and chip sizes. In this section, the static characteristics of the five MOSFET devices are measured and analyzed.

    The transfer, output and blocking I–V (current-voltage) characteristics of the five devices are measured by Keysight B1505A equipment and the results are compared in Figure 3. For the transfer I–V characteristics, the drain-source voltage (VDS) is set to 10 V in the measurement. For the output I–V characteristics, the gate-source voltage (VGS) is set to 20 V. For the blocking I–V characteristics, the VGS is set to 0 V. Device performance indexes, such as threshold voltage, resistance, transconductance and breakdown voltage are extracted and summarized in Table 1.

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    Figure 3. Static characteristics of SiC MOSFETs with different JFET widths.

    Table 1. Static characteristics of SiC MOSFETs with different JFET widths.

    With increasing WJFET design, the threshold voltage initially decreases from 2.58 to 2.52 V, and then increases to 2.73 V. Correspondingly, the on-resistance decreases from 1.68 to 1.48 Ω, and then increases to 1.6 Ω. The transconductance of the device gradually increases from 0.377 to 0.841 S. Besides, from the blocking characteristics, all five devices can successfully achieve blocking voltages above 1700 V.

    The on-resistance of a SiC MOSFET device is composed of channel resistance, JFET region resistance, drift layer resistance and substrate resistance. For 1200 V SiC MOSFETs, JFET region resistance contributes around 30% of the total resistance at room temperature. Increasing the WJFET can help reduce the JFET region resistance. However, it can also result in an increase in the cell pitch and a decrease in channel density, if the source region width remains constant. According to the experimental results, Device A3 with WJFET = 3 μm achieves the lowest resistance of 1.48 Ω among the five designs.

    The output characteristics of the five devices are measured at 25 to 175 °C to investigate the conduction performance of SiC MOSFETs at high temperatures. The on-resistances at different temperatures are presented in Figure 4. It can be observed that the on-resistance increases with temperature for all five devices, but the temperature coefficient of resistance varies for different WJFET designs.

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    Figure 4. (a) Compositional channel resistance and total resistance at elevated temperature. (b) Compositional resistance in Device A1.

    The channel resistance of VDMOS is determined by calculating the resistance of lateral long channel MOSFET and converting it based on channel length and width, as seen in Figure 4. The channel resistance accounts for more than 30% of the total resistance. The channel resistance decreases as the temperature increases from room temperature to 175 °C. At higher temperatures, the threshold voltage of the device decreases, resulting in an increased generation of electrons in the channel. Furthermore, higher electron densities in the channel provide a better screening effect, reducing the Coulomb scattering caused by interface traps.

    These two factors contribute to the overall reduction in channel resistance [12]. Apart from the channel resistance, the bulk resistance exhibits a positive temperature coefficient, which is due to the lower mobility of carries at elevated temperatures caused by acoustic scattering. The opposite temperature behaviors of the channel resistance and bulk resistance components lead to the different trends in total resistance at elevated temperatures for devices with different WJFET. With a narrower JFET width, the JFET resistance becomes a larger proportion of the total resistance. Consequently, the total resistance increases more rapidly at elevated temperatures.

    For Device A1, with a narrow WJFET design (2.0 μm), the JFET region resistance contributes significantly to the total on-resistance. It also has a positive temperature coefficient, resulting in the highest slope among the five devices in Figure 3. For Device A5, with a wide WJFET design (5.0 μm), the JFET region resistance contributes only a small portion to the total on-resistance. In contrast, the channel resistance plays a more significant role in determining the overall resistance of Device A5.

    The negative temperature coefficient of the channel resistance in Device A5 counterbalances the positive temperature coefficient of JFET region resistance, drift layer resistance and substrate resistance. Thus, the slope of the curve for Device A5 in Figure 3 is the lowest among the five devices. For Device A3 to A5, the on-resistances are less sensitive to ambient temperature, which is good for high temperature applications. The slight increase in on-resistance with temperature is beneficial for balancing current in parallel connections.

    The devices’resistance types are channel resistance, JFET resistance, drift resistance and substrate resistance, as shown in Figure 4, and the resistance is mainly based. To illustrate the reason for the transconductance and on-resistance exhibiting different trends, the different compositional resistance needs to be separated, as shown in Figure 4b. Transconductance is mainly controlled by channel resistance, as the channel resistance is dependent on the gate voltage. If the channel resistance occupies a larger portion in the on-resistance, the transconductance is higher. In five types of DUTs, the wider WJFET has a larger portion of channel resistance, so the transconductance is higher.

    WJFET influence the cell pitch and also have a large impact on JFET resistance. When WJFET decreases, smaller cell pith results in the reduced channel resistance. However, narrower WJFET leads to increased JFET resistance, which is a trade-off in different devices. Among five types of devices, the WJFET = 3 μm is the optimal value.

    2.2. Short-Circuit Capability of SiC MOSFETs

    A short-circuit (SC) test platform has been established. Figure 5a illustrates the test bench, while Figure 5b presents the schematic diagram of the test board. The device under test (DUT) is connected in series with an IGBT device and a current shunt. A pulsed gate-source voltage is applied to the gate terminal of the DUT, and the duration of the short circuit is controlled by the pulse width. The duration of the short-circuit time gradually increased until the device reaches a failure state. In this section, we compare the short-circuit withstand time (SCWT) of SiC MOSFETs with different WJFET designs. We also analyze the device failure mechanisms, considering various device designs and different bus voltages.

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    Figure 5. (a) Short-circuit test bench. (b) Schematic diagram of the SC test board.

    3. Results

    3.1. Short-Circuit Capability of SiC MOSFETs with Different JFET Widths at 400 V

    The on and off gate-source voltages (VGS) are 20 and −5 V, respectively. The bus voltage is 400 V, and the short-circuit duration time is increased with a step of 0.5 μs until the device fails. The last non-destruction short-circuit current waveforms for different device designs are illustrated in Figure 6a. According to the figure, the SCWT of Device A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 are 19.0, 18.5, 17.0, 15.0 and 14.0 μs, respectively. Device A3 with WJFET = 3.0 μm demonstrates the highest peak current due to the lowest on-resistance, as discussed in Section 2.

    On the other hand, the SCWT gradually decreases with the increase in WJFET. The changes in peak current and SCWT with WJFET are summarized in Figure 6b. The typical waveform of gate voltage and drain current for the destruction test are shown in Figure 6c. After the destruction test, it is observed that the gate is shorted to the source terminal for all five devices. When the WJFET is increased from 2.0 to 3.0 μm, devices with wider WJFET exhibit higher peak currents.

    The higher peak currents result in increased energy dissipation, which can lead to a rapid rise in junction temperature and a reduction in SCWT. However, when JFET width is further increased from 3.0 to 5.0 μm, both the peak current and SCWT decrease. It is evident that wide WJFET design devices are likely to experience different failure mechanisms compared to devices with narrower WJFET designs.

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    Figure 6. (a) The SC current waveforms of five types of devices with different JFET widths at Vds = 400 V. (b) Extracted SC peak current and SCWT in devices with varied JFET widths. (c) Failure waveform including gate and drain waveforms.

    The failure mode is checked with blocking characteristic measurements after device failure, which are shown in Figure 7. After device failure, Device A2 with WJFET = 2.5 μm remains almost the same blocking voltage (Figure 7a) as a fresh device, while Device A5 with WJFET = 5.0 μm shows degraded blocking capability (Figure 7b). OBIRCH (Optical Beam Induced Resistance Change) is utilized to find out the failure spot.

    The failure spot in Device A2 is located in the active region, as shown in Figure 8a. FIB (Focus Ion Beam) analysis is employed to observe the cross-section at the failure spot. Figure 8b displays the obtained cross-sectional result of Device A2. Cracks are observed in the ILD (interlayer dielectric) between gate polysilicon and source metal in Device A2. However, for Device A5, different observations are shown. The failure spot is also observed in the active region, as shown in Figure 8c. When the device is stripped in solvents to expose the SiC layer’s surface, a burn mark is found between the JFET region and the channel region. The top view of the device is illustrated in Figure 8d.

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    Figure 7. Blocking characteristic after short-circuit failure. (a) Device A2 with WJFET = 2.5 μm. (b) Device A5 with WJFET = 5.0 μm.

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    Figure 8. (a) The hot spot is observed under OBIRCH (Optical Beam Induced Resistance Change) of Device A2 at drain voltage of 400 V. (b) The cross-section at hot spot is prepared by FIB (Focus Ion Beam) of Device A2 at drain voltage of 400 V. (c) The hot spot is observed on Device A5 at drain voltage of 400 V. (d) Top view of the failure spot of Device A5 at drain voltage of 400 V after the ILD and top metal is dissolved.

    To explain the failure mechanism, the TCAD is used to simulate the short-circuit procedure in SiC MOSFETs. The SiC/SiO2 interface mobility model is established, taking into account the presence of interface traps. The integration of the interface trap is coulomb charge named Nc. Varying the interface trap density at the SiC/SiO2 interface leads to differences in the short-circuit current waveform, as demonstrated in Figure 9a.

    With the lower interface trap density, the peak current is higher, and more heat is generated in the SiC MOSFET. The interface trap distribution is determined by extracting the interface trap from the MOS capacitance. Figure 9b shows the comparison between the simulation results (using Dit = 3 × 1011 cm−2eV−1) and the corresponding measurement results. The simulation model is established and the temperature can be extracted through the simulation.

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    Figure 9. (a) Different interface trap density is established by applying coulomb scattering considering interface trap model. (b) Comparison between measurement and simulation result by using proper model.

    For Device A2, the cracks found at ILD are due to the unmatched coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) between different materials [17]. With higher temperatures, the CTE becomes larger [18,19]. The temperature distribution during the SC procedure at the ILD corner is calculated using a simulation tool, and the result is shown in Figure 10. Consequently, the dominant failure mechanism is the junction temperature rise caused by the energy dissipation within the device during the short-circuit pulse.

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    Figure 10. Simulated ILD and source metal temperature during the SC procedure.

    For Device A5, the failure mode could be different. To investigate the failure mode, the short-circuit transient process is simulated using TCAD. Due to the wide WJFET design, the electrical field at SiC surface (upper in JFET region) is higher than that in Device A2, resulting in a higher impact ionization. The impact ionization within Device A5 is shown in Figure 11a. Higher impact ionization leads to an increase in hole and electron current densities. A comparison of the hole and electron current densities can be seen in Figure 11b. As the electric field direction points from SiC to the gate in the JFET region, the holes would inject into the gate oxide due to the combined effect of electric field and high kinetic energy resulting from the elevated temperature.

    Additionally, in the channel region, the channel electron density in Device A5 is also higher than that in Device A2. Both the holes in the JFET region and electrons in the channel region have the potential to degrade the gate oxide and lead to device failure. To identify the main reason, a repetitive short-circuit test is conducted. The voltage shift direction indicates whether there is hole injection (negative shift) or electron injection (negative shift).

    Device A2 and Device A5 are measured during a repetitive short-circuit test with Vds = 400 V, a pulse width of 6µs and Vgs,on/Vgs,off = 19 V/−5 V. When the cycle time is low, the device with a wider JFET width is influenced more by hole injection than electron injection, as observed in the comparison of the two devices in Figure 12a. However, Device A2 is primarily affected by electron injection. With repetitive cycle increasing, the electron injection becomes dominant due to the hot electron effect, as shown in Figure 12b.

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    Figure 11. (a) Impact ionization in Device A5 WJFET = 5.0 μm. (b) Comparison of electrical field and hole current density at surface between Device A2 (WJFET = 2.5 μm) and Device A5 (WJFET = 5.0 μm).

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    Figure 12. (a) Threshold voltage shift of device with different WJFET after repetitive short-circuit test. (b) Threshold voltage shift for different short-circuit pulse widths (6 and 10 μs).

    3.2. Short-Circuit Capability of SiC MOSFETs Measured at Elevated Temperature

    Short-circuit tests are carried out at an ambient temperature of 100 °C to verify the failure mechanisms for Device A2 and Device A5. The SC current waveforms are shown in Figure 13a. The peak current and SCWT for the five WJFET designs are extracted from the figure and summarized in Figure 13b. The correlations between SC peak current (SCWT) and WJFET observed at 100 °C are similar to the results obtained at 25 °C (refer to Figure 6b).

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    Figure 13. (a) The SC current waveforms of five types of devices with different JFET widths at Vds = 400 V at elevated temperature (100 °C). (b) Extracted SC peak current and SCWT in devices with varied JFET widths at elevated temperature (100 °C).

    To study the impacts of ambient temperature on SCWT test results for different WJFET designs, the results obtained at 25 °C and 100 °C test conditions are compared in Figure 14a. The results indicate that wide WJFET designs (WJFET ≥ 3 μm) exhibit an increase in SCWT at elevated temperatures—namely, SCWT demonstrates a positive temperature coefficient for wide WJFET designs.

    The increase in SCWT can be attributed to reduced electron injection into the gate oxide at elevated temperatures. Figure 14b compares the short-circuit current waveforms for the 25 and 100 °C test conditions, with tsc = 3 μs used as an example. The peak current at 100 °C is lower than that of 25 °C due to the limitations of acoustic scattering at elevated temperatures, resulting in reduced election injection for the 100 °C test condition.

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    Figure 14. (a) Relationship between SCWT and JFET width under 25 and 100 °C. (b) Comparison of SC current at 25 and 100 °C under the SC duration time of 3 µs.

    On the other hand, for narrow WJFET designs (WJFET < 3.25 μm), SCWT decreases at elevated temperatures. The junction temperature is calculated using simulation software. Figure 15 shows the temperature distribution within the device during the short-circuit transient at both 25 °C (Figure 15a) and 100 °C (Figure 15b). Elevated ambient temperatures result in higher junction temperatures. The thermal and mechanical stress can cause cracks in ILD layers, and higher temperatures result in a larger coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch [11].

    Thus, the SCWT is decreased at elevated temperatures. In order to figure out whether failure mechanism is changed in the device with wider WJFET, failure spot of Device A4 after SC test under 100 °C is detected shown in Figure 15c. Compared with the results shown in Figure 8b, the ILD crack becomes the main failure reason for the device with wide WJFET.

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    Figure 15. Simulated ILD and source metal temperature during the SC procedure under (a) room temperature and (b) the elevated temperature. (c) The cross-section at hot spot is prepared by FIB (Focus Ion Beam) of Device A5 at drain voltage of 400 V after SC test under 100 °C.

    3.3. Short-Circuit Capability of SiC MOSFETs with Different JFET Widths at Varied Vds Measured at Room Temperature

    The SC capability of SiC MOSFETs is measured under different bus voltages (400, 600 and 800 V). The short-circuit pulse width (tSC) is gradually increased from 3 μs in steps until DUT fails. The increment step is set to 0.5 μs for 400 V, 0.3 μs for 600 V and 0.1 μs for 800 V, respectively. The short-circuit current waveforms for the five devices tested under a high bus voltage of 800 V are illustrated in Figure 16. The peak current varies among different WJFET designs. For Device A1–A3 with narrow WJFET designs, the peak current is higher than the other two designs, resulting in a shorter SCWT. Additionally, in Device A2, an interlayer crack is observed after the SC test under 800 V in Figure 17a,b.

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    Figure 16. The SC current waveforms of five types of devices with different JFET widths at Vds = 800 V.

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    Figure 17. (a) The hot spot is observed under OBIRCH (Optical Beam Induced Resistance Change) of Device A2 at drain voltage of 800 V. (b) The cross-section at hot spot is prepared by FIB (Focus Ion Beam) of Device A2 at drain voltage of 800 V.

    The SCWT tested under different bus voltages is summarized in Figure 18a. The energy can be calculated using short-circuit current waveforms and device voltage waveforms. The calculated results are plotted in Figure 18b. Devices with different JFET widths have almost the same SCWT under drain voltages of 600 and 800 V. The WJFET has a significant effect on the SCWT when the drain voltage is 400 V. For higher bus voltage conditions, the difference in SCWT among the five designs is significantly reduced.

    In addition, at higher bus voltages, the maximum short-circuit energy that device can safely dissipate is reduced to 33%, as shown in Figure 18b. This is because the short-circuit current multiplied by a high bus voltage generates a significant amount of heat on a very short time scale (<1 μs), causing the device junction temperature to rise rapidly. Thus, the SCWT and total energy are decreased.

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    Figure 18. (a) The SCWT of five types of devices with different JFET widths. (b) The SC energy of five types of devices with different JFET widths.

    4. Discussion

    The on-resistance and short-circuit withstanding time are crucial parameters for SiC MOSFETs, representing their conduction performance and reliability, respectively. It has been reported that the structure designs (JFET region width in this work) can influence both the on-resistance and short-circuit withstanding time. Furthermore, there exists a trade-off relationship between the on-resistance and SCWT, which will be discussed in this section. Figure 19 summarizes the on-resistance and SCWT parameters for each device (Device A1–A5 with different WJFET designs).

    The SCWT test results for the three bus voltage conditions (400, 600 and 800 V) are also illustrated in the figure. For each bus voltage, increasing the WJFET from 2 to 3 μm results in a decrease in device on-resistance from 1.68 to a minimum of 1.48 Ω (a reduction of 11.9%). However, a further increase in WJFET will raise the on-resistance, which is unacceptable. On the other hand, observing the SCWT parameters for the 400 V bus voltage condition (red lines in Figure 19), we can observe a slight drop from Device A1 to A3 (11.7%), followed by a significant drop from A3 to A5 (35.2%). The impact of WJFET designs on SCWT is negligible for higher bus voltages.

    The bus voltage is usually determined by the power electronic system and circuit designs in practical applications. The saturation current primarily indicates the short-circuit current. The short-circuit current and saturation current are positively correlated. In SiC MOSFETs, the saturation current is influenced by two factors: the JFET region’s pinch-off voltage and the MOSFET channel’s saturation voltage. Short-circuit simulations are used to evaluate the potential under the gate oxide. With a wider JFET width, the potential at the JFET side increases, leading to an increase in channel saturation current due to the Drain-Induced Barrier Lowering effect.

    Additionally, a lower pinch-off voltage results in a smaller saturation current in the JFET region. When the JFET region becomes sufficiently narrow, the saturation current of the JFET region becomes the primary factor. For 1200 V–rated SiC MOSFETs, the bus voltage can be selected between 400~800 V or even out of this range. In conclusion, the optimal design of WJFET is 3 μm for the 1200 V SiC MOSFETs studied in this work, without considering an enhanced doping concentration for the JFET region.

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    Figure 19. The relationship between on-resistance and SC withstanding time (SCWT) of different devices with varied JFET width.

    Under high bus voltage conditions, devices with various JFET widths exhibit similar short-circuit behavior. As the JFET region becomes depleted during the short-circuit test, the resistances in the JFET region become relatively small compared to the channel resistance. Therefore, the JFET width has less impact on the result. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the variation in JFET width is not highly sensitive to the short-circuit withstand capability under high bus voltage, but it exhibits a greater impact under low bus voltage conditions. Moreover, Device A3 demonstrates the best performance within the voltage range of 400 to 800 V.

    The relationship between the short-circuit test results at temperatures of 25 and 100 °C and the on-resistance under a 400 V bus voltage is shown in Figure 20 and will be discussed in the following paragraphs. In Section 3.2, the failure reason for DUTs under a high-temperature SC test is clarified. Failure mode is summarized in Figure 21. The failure of a wide WJFET device is due to gate oxide burnout tested in SC under room temperature. As the temperature increases, the failure mode changes to the ILD crack.

    When the temperature is above 100 °C, the device failure mode becomes the same. When evaluating the performance of devices operated at high temperatures, the static resistance gradually increases with temperature, while the short-circuit duration time at high temperatures varies. The devices with wider WJFET inhibit the injection of hot electrons at an elevated temperature, thereby reducing the formation of defects caused by hot carriers.

    Therefore, there is an improvement in SCWT. When the width of the JFET is less than 3.0 μm (A3), due to the increase in the junction temperature in the high-temperature test, the temperature in the interlayer dielectric reaches the critical value faster, resulting in a reduction in the short-circuit withstand time. If the temperature rises to 150 °C, the SCWT for WJFET devices may all decrease due to the failure mode being changed to the ILD crack mode.

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    Figure 20. The relationship between on-resistance and SC withstanding time (SCWT) of devices with varied JFET width at 25 and 100 °C.

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    Figure 21. Summary of the failure mode of devices with different WJFET.

    Judging from the trade-off relationship between the on-resistance and short-circuit current at room temperature and high temperature, devices with WJFET larger than 3.0 μm are more suitable for operating at high temperatures. These devices exhibit a gradual increase in resistance at high temperatures, resulting in an improved short-circuit performance to a certain extent.

    5. Conclusions

    In this paper, 1200 V SiC MOSFETs with various WJFET are fabricated, followed by a comprehensive comparison and study of the short-circuit robustness of these devices. Devices with narrow and wide WJFET exhibit distinct failure mechanisms. The ILD crack is observed in the device with narrow WJFET, while the breakdown of gate oxide is found in the device with wider WJFET after device failure. The relationship between on-resistance and SCWT of devices A1–A5 with different JFET widths is summarized.

    Device A3 demonstrates the best performance in terms of SCWT and on-resistance characteristics, making it an improved design. Furthermore, devices with narrowed JFET widths have limitations in improving SCWT (<20 μs) under a bus voltage of 400 V. The relationship between the short-circuit test results at temperatures of 25 and 100 °C and on-resistance under a bus voltage of 400 V is also investigated. Devices with WJFET larger than 3.0 μm exhibit improved SCWT under high temperatures and are better suited for high temperature operation. As the temperature rises, their resistance shows a slow increment, contributing to an enhanced short-circuit performance to a certain degree.


    Hongyi Xu, Baozhu Wang, Na Ren, Hu Long, Kai Huang and Kuang Sheng

    Original – MDPI

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  • STMicroelectronics to Provide Li Auto SiC MOSFET Devices to Support its BEVs Strategy

    STMicroelectronics to Provide Li Auto SiC MOSFET Devices to Support its BEVs Strategy

    2 Min Read

    STMicroelectronics has signed a long-term silicon carbide (SiC) supply agreement with Li Auto, a leader in China’s new energy vehicle market that designs, develops, manufactures, and sells smart premium electric vehicles. Under this agreement, STMicroelectronics will provide Li Auto with SiC MOSFET devices to support Li Auto’s strategy around high-voltage battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in various market segments.

    As the automotive industry transforms towards electrification and decarbonization, high-voltage BEVs have become a popular choice for car makers. These vehicles offer outstanding energy efficiency and extended mileage. Li Auto, known for its extended-range electric vehicles (EREVs), is entering the BEV market with its first-ever high-tech flagship family MPV BEV model premiered in Q4 2023. With plans to introduce more high-voltage BEV models soon, Li Auto will require high volumes of SiC MOSFETs that it will integrate into its traction inverters to ensure superior electric-vehicle performance.

    ST’s SiC devices increase performance and efficiency through higher switching frequencies, breakdown voltages, and thermal resistance. These are all particularly critical characteristics at the higher operating voltages required for battery electric vehicles. Li Auto is adopting ST’s advanced third-generation 1200V SiC MOSFET in the traction inverter of its upcoming 800V BEV platform, to ensure industry-leading process stability and performance, efficiency, and reliability.

    Li Auto is committed to providing families with premium EVs exceeding their expectation. This agreement with ST stands as a testament to Li Auto’s unwavering dedication in BEV product development. Collaborating with the renowned global leader in SiC technologies, we anticipate a forthcoming relationship filled with innovation and success,” said Qingpeng MENG, Vice President of Supply Chain, Li Auto.

    Holding more than 50% market share in SiC MOSFETs worldwide, ST’s SiC technology has earned high praise from top OEMs for its electric-vehicle performance. It is widely used in onboard chargers and power modules.

    As a world leader in power devices and wide bandgap semiconductor technologies, ST has established long-term supply agreements with major car makers and Tier 1 suppliers. The SiC supply agreement with Li Auto marks a significant step building upon our existing long-term relationship in other automotive applications,” said Henry CAO, Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing, China Region, STMicroelectronics. “ST is committed to supporting Li Auto’s ambition to become a top premium electric vehicle brand in China, offering their customers superior vehicle performance and range with our innovative SiC technologies.”

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  • SemiQ Expanded its QSiC™ Power Modules Portfolio with a New Series of 1200V SiC Power MOSFETs

    SemiQ Expanded its QSiC™ Power Modules Portfolio with a New Series of 1200V SiC Power MOSFETs

    2 Min Read

    SemiQ Inc has expanded its QSiC™ power modules portfolio with the introduction of a new series of 1200V silicon-carbide (SiC) power MOSFETs in half-bridge packages.

    Engineered and tested to operate reliably in demanding environments, these new compact, high-performance modules enable high-power-density implementations while minimizing dynamic and static losses.

    Featuring high breakdown voltage (>1400V), the new QSiC™ modules support high-temperature operation (Tj = 175°C) with low Rds(On) shift over the full temperature range. In addition, the modules exhibit industry-leading gate oxide stability and long gate oxide lifetime, avalanche unclamped inductive switching (UIS) ruggedness and long short-circuit withstand time.

    With a solid foundation of high-performance ceramics, the new SiC modules are suitable for EV charging, on-board chargers (OBCs), DC-DC converters, E-compressors, fuel cell converters, medical power supplies, photovoltaic inverters, energy storage systems, solar and wind energy systems, data center power supplies, UPS/PFC circuits, Vienna rectifiers, and other automotive and industrial applications.

    To ensure that each module has a stable gate threshold voltage and high-quality gate oxide, SemiQ’s modules undergo gate burn-in testing at the wafer level. Besides the burn-in test, which helps to stabilize the extrinsic failure rate, stress tests such as gate stress, high-temperature reverse bias (HTRB) drain stress, and high humidity, high voltage, high temperature (H3TRB) allow achieving the required automotive and industrial grade quality levels. The devices also have extended short-circuit ratings. All modules have undergone testing exceeding 1350V.

    Dr. Timothy Han, President at SemiQ, said, “SemiQ’s commitment to reliability and testing sets us apart in the semiconductor industry. Our high-performance QSiC™ 1200V MOSFET modules are proven to withstand challenging conditions, enabling engineers to develop reliable systems for the renewable, automotive, medical, and industrial sectors.”

    SemiQ’s new 1200V 5mΩ, 10mΩ, and 20mΩ SiC MOSFET are available in industry standard half-bridge packages.

    Part NumberCircuit ConfigurationRatingsTyp. RdsOn [mΩ]
    GCMX010A120B2B1PHalf-bridge1200V/214A, B29
    GCMX020A120B2B1PHalf-bridge1200V/102A, B219
    GCMX005A120B3B1PHalf-bridge1200V/383A, B34.4
    GCMX010A120B3B1PHalf-bridge1200V/173A, B39

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  • Power Integrations Released a New Family of Plug-and-Play Gate Drivers for 62 mm SiC MOSFET and IGBT Modules

    Power Integrations Released a New Family of Plug-and-Play Gate Drivers for 62 mm SiC MOSFET and IGBT Modules

    2 Min Read

    Power Integrations announced a new family of plug-and-play gate drivers for 62 mm silicon-carbide (SiC) MOSFET and silicon IGBT modules rated up to 1700 V, with enhanced protection features to ensure safe, reliable operation.

    SCALE™-2 2SP0230T2x0 dual-channel gate drivers deploy short-circuit protection in less than two microseconds, protecting the compact SiC MOSFETs against damaging over-currents. The new drivers also include advanced active clamping (AAC) to protect the switches against over-voltage during turn-off, enabling higher DC link operating voltages.

    Thorsten Schmidt, product marketing manager at Power Integrations, commented: “The 2SP0230T2x0 gate drivers are flexible; the same hardware can be used to drive either SiC MOSFET or IGBT modules. This reduces both system design and sourcing challenges, and the plug-and-play approach speeds development.”

    Ideal for applications such as railway auxiliary converters, offboard EV chargers and STATic synchronous COMpensator (STATCOM) voltage regulators for the power grid, 2SP0230T2x0 gate drivers are based on Power Integrations’ proven SCALE-2 technology, resulting in higher levels of integration, smaller size, more functionality and enhanced system reliability.

    Power Integrations’ compact 134 x 62 mm 2SP0230T2x0 provides reinforced isolation at 1700 V, enabling use for up to 1700 V operation; this is 500 V higher than conventional drivers, which are typically limited to 1200 V.

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  • ROHM and Toshiba to Collaborate in Manufacturing Si and SiC Power Devices

    ROHM and Toshiba to Collaborate in Manufacturing Si and SiC Power Devices

    3 Min Read

    A plan by ROHM Co., Ltd. and Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation to collaborate in the manufacture and increased volume production of power devices has been recognized and will be supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a measure supporting the Japanese Government’s target of secure and stable semiconductor supply.

    ROHM and Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage will respectively make intensive investments in silicon carbide (SiC) and silicon (Si) power devices, effectively enhance their supply capabilities, and complementally utilize other party’s production capacity.

    Power devices are essential components for supplying and managing power supply in all kinds of electronic equipment, and for achieving a carbon-free, carbon-neutral society. Current demand is expected to see continued growth.

    In automotive applications, development of more efficient, smaller and lighter electric powertrains has advanced alongside the rapid expansion in vehicle electrification. In industrial applications, stable supply of power devices and improved characteristics are widely required to support increasing automation and higher efficiency requirements.

    Against this backdrop, ROHM has formulated a management vision, “We focus on power and analog solutions and solve social problems by contributing to our customers’ needs for energy savings and miniaturization of their products.,” and accelerates its efforts for a carbon-free. SiC power devices are the keys to energy savings.

    Since the world’s first mass production of SiC MOSFETs, ROHM has been constantly developing industry-leading technologies. Among these are ROHM’s latest 4th Generation SiC MOSFETs that will be adopted for numerous electric vehicles and industrial equipment. As one of its priority projects, ROHM is working on SiC business, which contains aggressive and continuous investment to increase the production capacity of SiC and meet strong demand growth.

    Toshiba Group, with its long-standing Basic Commitment, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future.,” aims to advance the achievement of carbon neutrality and a circular economy. Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage has for decades supplied Si power devices, mainly for automotive and industrial markets, that have helped to secure energy saving solutions and equipment miniaturization.

    The company started production on a 300mm wafer line last year, and is accelerating investment to enhance production capacity and meet strong demand growth. It is also advancing development of a wider lineup of SiC power devices, especially for automotive and power transmission and distribution applications, taking full advantage of the expertise it has cultivated in railway vehicle applications.

    ROHM has already announced its participation in the privatization of Toshiba, but this investment did not serve as the starting point for manufacturing collaboration between the two companies. Under intensifying international competition in the semiconductor industry, ROHM and Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage have been considering collaboration in the power device business for some time, and that resulted in the joint application.

    ROHM and Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage will collaborate in manufacturing power devices, through intensive investments in SiC and Si power devices, respectively, toward enhancing both companies’ international competitiveness. The companies will also seek to contribute to strengthening the resilience of semiconductor supply chains in Japan.

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  • Leapers Semiconductor Delivers New Family of 1,4kV SiC Power Modules

    Leapers Semiconductor Delivers New Family of 1,4kV SiC Power Modules

    2 Min Read

    Today some applications tend to increase bus voltage, and using 1200V SiC power modules can no longer correspond to voltage requirements. Using 1700V SiC devices can solve the problem, but it comes with a price.

    Leapers Semiconductor announced a new series of 1400V SiC power modules in already familiar E0 and ED3S packages. They are the perfect solution to the mentioned problem, providing great performance at affordable price.

    At the moment the new series 1400V SiC modules come in Half-Bridge, H-Bridge, and Boost topologies.

    Leapers Semiconductor new SiC product family features:

    –       1,4kV voltage
    –       50 – 600A current
    –       3,2 – 40 mOhm Rds(on)
    –       Epoxy resin
    –       Si3N4 AMB substrate
    –       Low thermal resistance
    –       Low switching losses

    First batches of 1400V SiC power modules successfully passed field tests by the end customers and soon will be mass used in:

    –       DC fast chargers
    –       Commercial EVs
    –       Power supplies for production of hydrogen
    –       DC/DC converters

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  • Solitron Devices Introduced 1200V Ultra-low RDS(on) Hermetically Sealed SiC Power Module

    Solitron Devices Introduced 1200V Ultra-low RDS(on) Hermetically Sealed SiC Power Module

    2 Min Read

    Solitron Devices announced the introduction of the SD11487, the industry’s first hermetically sealed Silicon Carbide (SiC) Power Module for high reliability applications.   

    With a unique hermetic packaging format, the 51mm x 30mm x 8mm outline is the smallest hermetically sealed high reliability, high voltage, half-bridge on the market. The integrated format maximizes power density while minimizing loop inductance. 60 mil pins for the power output stage are isolated on one side of the package to allow simple power bussing while 30 mil pins are on the opposite side for control signals. 

    The SD11487 is a half bridge configuration with two 1200V 12mΩ SiC MOSFETs.  Also included in the module are two freewheeling 1200V SiC Schottky diodes in parallel with the MOSFETs and an integrated NTC temperature sensor. Continuous drain current is specified at 95A.

    With operating temperatures of -55°C to 175°C, the SD11487 is designed for the most demanding applications such as down hole exploration; space; and avionics. The hermetically sealed copper package combined with the Alumina Nitride direct bond copper substrate provide excellent thermal conductivity as well as case isolation. The integrated temperature sensing enables high level temperature protection. 

    Silicon Carbide provides excellent switching performance versus the best-in-class silicon MOSFETs and IGBTs with minimal variation versus temperature. Higher efficiency levels than silicon due to significantly lower energy loss and reverse charge results in more switching power and less energy required in the switch-on and switch-off phase. Combined with high switching frequencies this translates to smaller magnetics significantly reducing system weight and size.

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  • Toshiba Launches 3,3kV800A Chopper SiC MOSFET Modules Using 3rd Generation Chips

    Toshiba Launches 3,3kV/800A Chopper SiC MOSFET Modules Using 3rd Generation Chips

    2 Min Read

    Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation has launched chopper SiC MOSFET modules “MG800FXF1ZMS3” and ”MG800FZF1JMS3” with ratings of 3300 V and 800 A using 3rd generation silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET and SBD chips for industrial equipment and has expanded its lineup.

    The new products MG800FXF1ZMS3 and MG800FXF1JMS3 adopt an iXPLV package with Ag sintering internal bonding technology and high compatibility with mounting. These offers low conduction loss with low drain-source on-voltage (sense) of 1.3 V (typ.), and also offers low switching loss with low turn-on switching loss of 230 mJ (typ.) and low turn-off switching loss of 230 mJ (typ.). These contribute to reducing the power loss of equipment and the size of cooling device. 

    The lineup of Toshiba’s MOSFET modules of iXPLV package has three products, including existing product MG800FXF2YMS3 (3300 V / 800 A / Dual SiC MOSFET module.) This provides a wide range of product selection. This can be used in 2-level inverters, buck/boost converters and 3-level inverters.

    Toshiba will continue to meet the market needs for high efficiency and the downsizing of industrial equipment.


    Industrial equipment

    • Inverters and converters for railway vehicles
    • Renewable energy power generation systems
    • Motor control equipment for industrial equipment, etc.


    • Low drain-source on-voltage (sense):
      VDS(on)sense=1.3 V (typ.) (ID=800 A, VGS=+20 V, Tch=25 °C)
    • Low turn-on switching loss:
      Eon=230 mJ (typ.) (VDD=1800 V, ID=800 A, Tch=175 °C)
    • Low turn-off switching loss:
      Eoff=230 mJ (typ.) (VDD=1800 V, ID=800 A, Tch=175 °C)

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  • ROHM Expanded the Library of SPICE Model Lineup 

    ROHM Expanded the Library of SPICE Model Lineup 

    2 Min Read

    ROHM has expanded the library of SPICE model lineup for LTspice® of its circuit simulator. LTspice® is also equipped with circuit diagram capture and waveform viewer functions that make it possible for designers to check and verify in advance whether the circuit operation has been achieved as designed.

    In addition to the existing lineup of bipolar transistors, diodes, and MOSFETs, ROHM has added SiC power devices and IGBTs that increases its number of LTspice® models to more than 3,500 for discretes (which can be downloaded from product pages). This brings the amount of coverage of LTspice® models on ROHM’s website to over 80% of all products – providing greater convenience to designers when using circuit simulators that incorporate discrete products, now including power devices.

    In recent years, the increasing use of circuit simulation for circuit design has expanded the number of tools being utilized. Among these, LTspice® is an attractive option for a range of users, from students to even seasoned engineers at well-known companies. To support these and other users, ROHM has expanded its library of LTspice® models for discrete products.

    Besides product pages, ROHM has added a Design Models page in October that allows simulation models to be downloaded directly. Documentation on how to add libraries and create symbols (schematic symbols) is also available to facilitate circuit design and simulation execution.

    Going forward, ROHM will continue to contribute to solving circuit design issues by expanding the number of models compatible with various simulators while providing web tools such as ROHM Solution Simulator to meet growing customer needs.

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  • Navitas Makes it to Forbes’ 2024 Top 50 America’s Successful Small Companies List

    Navitas Makes it to Forbes’ 2024 Top 50 America’s Successful Small Companies List

    2 Min Read

    Navitas Semiconductor secured the 49th position on Forbes’ 2024 America’s Successful Small Companies list. The ranking is recognition of the company’s growth based on strong demand for Navitas’ advanced, high-efficiency, wide bandgap (WBG) GaN and SiC power components, across growing and diverse global markets and an expanding customer base.

    Forbes evaluated Navitas on earnings growth, sales growth, return on equity, and total stock return over the preceding five years, with a specific focus on the last 12 months, including Navitas’ 115% increase in revenue (Q3’22 to Q3’23).

    Looking ahead, Navitas will host an in-person 2023 Investor Day at the company’s new Torrance HQ (with livestream), from 12:30 pm Pacific / 3:30 pm US Eastern on Tuesday 12th December. Highlights include a deep dive into four major new GaN/SiC technology platforms and focus markets, plus customer testimonials and a refresh on the $1B+ customer pipeline, plus 2024 and long-term financial outlook.

    “The top 50 ranking is great recognition by Forbes for Navitas’ growth,” said Gene Sheridan, co-founder and CEO. “GaN and SiC are accelerating the transition away from fossil fuels to ‘Electrify Our World™’ with renewable sources and efficient uses of electricity. This disruptive, displacement technology upgrades from legacy silicon chips, to make existing applications more efficient, lighter, faster charging and longer range, with lower system costs.”

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